Day Out and Azkaban break out

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Adelaide and her three newest pack members had spent the majority of the night talking through all the things they desperately wanted to know, more specifically the important times that had occurred in the future. Pansy had been more than a little disappointed in herself when she was told that she had wanted to deliver Adelaide to the dark lord but was reassured quickly that she wasn't to blame and things were much different back then.

The next morning, they all dressed for a day out in muggle London and the three Slytherin girls were excited to experience what some of the other pack members had reminisced about in the common room last year. After a quick breakfast and reassurance of their safety to the three older wizards, Adelaide apparated them to a dark alley in Oxford Street.

"Wow," Tracy gasped as she observed the busy streets and all the people rushing around.

"We are in Oxford Street, it's the perfect place to go shopping" Their eyes lit up in excitement and after a quick warning of sticking together, they all made their way through the busy crowds.

For the next few hours, they visited many stores such as H&M, River Island and Primark, and exited each store with multiple bags filled with amazing muggle outfits and beauty products. Feeling hungry, they found a restaurant that served delicious pizza and Adelaide spent most of their time during the meal laughing at their delighted expressions as they hadn't ever tried such food before. After shrinking down their belongings, Adelaide escorted them to the nearest cinema where they enjoyed the amazing romance of dirty dancing.

"Imagine being able to dance like that" Pansy sighed in a daze, making Adelaide shake her head in amusement. She too had enjoyed the dancing but it was the music that caught her attention the most and was desperate to find the tape to it, just like the one she has for grease.

"You're thirteen next week, maybe we can have a sleepover and have a little dance party" Daphne suggested, catching the girl's attention. A large smile formed on Pansy's face but was quickly replaced with a frown as she thought about what her parents may have planned.


"My parents would never let that happen. You know what they are like" A low and barely noticeable growl rumbled through Adelaide's chest, hating the fact that her friend couldn't celebrate such an important day simply because her parents were cold, heartless bastards.

Hearing the subtle growl, the three girls grabbed hold of her hands and Pansy tried to smile as genuinely as possible but it came to look like a grimace instead. "It's okay, Adelaide. I promise"

The immortal witch shook her head, trying her hardest to push down the feral part of her that desperately wanted to be released. Adelaide knew that it bothered Pansy, the girl who acts cold and bitchy around everyone else but in reality, is a complete sweetheart with a lot of insecurities and past trauma that she hasn't been helped with. It started making her realise that her pack weren't exactly protected the way she was and made a mental note to bring up the topic with Mortem.

"It's not okay but it will be, don't worry your pretty little head about that" The Slytherin girls exchanged a confused look but nodded, trusting their friend's words.

"Let's head back"


Adelaide's birthday has passed, and she had a lovely time with her father, uncles, and even Mortem, despite the small gathering. She sent Neville a gift for his birthday the day before, which included special seeds from her garden's greenhouse and a Gryffindor-themed frame with a moving picture of the whole group at the black lake from the previous year. Uncle Regulus suggested using the Pensieve to preserve the memory and capture the perfect moment with a magical camera. Adelaide received wonderful gifts from all of her friends, along with letters expressing how much they missed her and how eager they were to meet in a few weeks. She spent the day having a picnic in the nearby park, which ended in a full-blown water fight because of the summer heat.

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