Birthday day out

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Adelaide had just returned home from her brother, Neville's birthday celebration. Gran had organised a little party at Longbottom manor for Neville and his friends whilst their parents conversed with one another in a separate room. It was the first time since leaving Hogwarts that Adelaide had seen any of her friends and grew quite emotional when setting eyes on them once again. Though she could blame that on her hormones since she had unfortunately started her first period for the second time, this time around seemed easier to handle since she had two supportive wizards who comforted her with cuddles and mountains of chocolate.

It was decided that instead of visiting Adelaide the next day for her birthday, the children were to stay at Potter manor after Neville's celebration as they all wanted to wish her a happy birthday as soon as they woke up. Sirius and Remus did not mind and thought it was an excellent idea, and since their rooms had already been prepared at the beginning of the summer, it was much easier for them to all settle into bed as soon as they returned to the manor.

The next morning, Adelaide lay in bed staring up at the ceiling as she thought deeply about what she planned later that evening. She knew explaining everything that had occurred in her previous life to her friends, on her birthday nonetheless was a damper on her celebration but she needed to get it over and done with. She had planned on arranging a meeting with them earlier that summer but had chickened out at the last minute, fearing what their reactions would be. She wasn't sure what her papa and uncle had planned for her birthday but decided that the conversation could be held once they settled down for the evening.

She was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of her bedroom door creaking open. She lifted herself onto her elbows and a bright smile appeared on her face at the sight of her brother's head peaking into the room. The moment he knew she was awake, he pushed the door open and he, along with her four other friends piled into the room and jumped on her large queen-sized bed.

"Happy birthday!" They cheered, laughter echoing through the room as they began roughhousing with one another.

"Guys!" She giggled loudly as she tried to push Theo away as he landed on her legs with Neville in a headlock.

Suddenly, loud barking caught their attention as a large dog jumped onto the bed and began nudging them away playfully. Adelaide's giggles increased as the dog managed to push both Blaise and Ron off the bed, the two landing in a pile on the floor. Said dog jumped off the bed, immediately transforming into none other than Sirius Black, who was grinning ear to ear as he gazed at his daughter.

"Happy birthday my princess" He cooed as he knelt beside her, placing a kiss on her forehead which she leaned into as she sought out as much affection as she could from those she cared about.

"Thank you papa" She responded softly.

"Now boys, let Adelaide get dressed and then we can all enjoy her birthday breakfast. Me and Moony have a whole day planned! Come on, shoo!" Sirius pushed the reluctant boys towards the door, the older wizard smiling over at his daughter who was giggling at her friend's mumbles.

"Do be quick, pup. I don't think they can last without your presence for much longer" Her papa teased before shutting the door behind him.

Adelaide skipped into her bathroom, the excitement building up as she thought about what her papa and uncle had planned for the day. After a quick shower and a brush of her teeth, she dressed in some black jeans with one of her papa's rock tops which was tied at the front to make it shorter. She quickly wandered down to the dining room and gaped at the large selection of breakfast foods that were laid out on the table.

"Wow" She caught everyone's attention and earned bright smiles from them all, especially her uncle who quickly approached her.

"Happy birthday little cub!" His strong arms pulled her into an embrace, his face immediately nuzzled into her neck as she did the same to his lower chest. Purrs rumble through both their chests at the comfortable scent the two have.

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