Papa's trial

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Disclaimer - I added 'Lady Magic's chosen' to Adelaide's inheritance test, so hopefully you won't be confused when it gets brought up.

The day after her birthday, Adelaide woke up to the sound of tapping on her bedroom window. She had never been a morning person but seeing the unfamiliar owl piqued her interest and so, she rolled out of bed and opened the window. The beautiful owl with a mixture of brown and black feathers soured through the room and landed beside Hedwig, who she bought the day prior. Hedwig stared at the unfamiliar owl with calculating eyes before letting out a soft hoot, earning one back.

"Hello, do you have a letter for me?" Adelaide asked the owl softly, gaining the two of their attention. The owl stuck out its leg where the letter was attached and Adel removed it before topping up the food bowl which was devoured by both Hedwig and her companion.

Turning over the letter, Adelaide's eyes widened at the ministry logo. She tore it open instantly and her excitement grew as she read through it. By the end, a loud squeal left her lips and not long after, her uncle Moony stormed into the room, looking around with his wand out in alarm.

"Cub? What happened?" He asked panicked, grabbing her shoulders softly as he checked her for injury. Adelaide knew werewolves were extremely protective of their cubs, more than they were of their pack and so, she waited until he was finished inspecting her.

"You're not hurt. What the fuck is wrong with you?" He huffed as he stepped back, eyeing her with some frustration with a hint of amusement.

"You're a werewolf, Uncle Moony, not a swearwolf" She teased, shaking her head in feigned disappointment at his foul language.

Remus raised an eyebrow, his lips twitching "Don't be a hypocrite" He responded, earning a dramatic gasp from his niece as she placed a hand over her heart.

"You wound me, wolfy" He scoffed at the nickname before his eyes landed on the opened parchment in her hands.

"Your cousin owl you already?" He questioned, earning a confused look from Adel but as he pointed at the letter, her eyes lit up in excitement.

"No, but remind me to owl him later. This is from Madam Bones, she confirmed that Sirius will be having a trial next week!" his eyes widened as he stayed frozen in place. Adelaide's smile faltered as she grew worried for her uncle.

"Uncle Moony?" She sang, waving her hand in front of his face but got no response. With a small huff, she flicked his forehead which managed to snap the man out of his frozen state.

"Ouch! You little shit, What was that for?" He glared half-heartedly as he rubbed the spot she flicked. The corners of her mouth twitched in amusement, shaking her head at her uncle's language before waving the letter in the air.

"You froze" His eyes lingered on the parchment for a moment before he absently fell back onto her bed, his face returning to completely blank.

"Oh, not again"

After calming down her uncle enough to finish off the conversation, the two decided that if necessary, she would reveal her status as Lady Magic's chosen. Having such a title came with a lot of benefits and the magical world had only one other person to ever hold such power.

For the rest of the week, niece and uncle spent a lot of their time going back and forth to Diagon Alley, mainly to Flourish and Blotts where Adelaide would treat her uncle to many books she knew he had interest in. Though on one of these days, the two had their very first argument and this was due to Adelaide transferring a large amount of Galleons into his vault. The werewolf lectured her for two straight hours about him not wanting to be treated like charity and trying to convince her to return the money. Of course, in the end, she won the argument by using her large puppy eyes and a few honest tears that were spilt

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