Inheritance tests for all.

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They soon arrived at Hogsmeade station and took the carriages up to the castle. The pack knew of her plans and waved goodbye as she ventured off in the direction of the ward line where King Ragnok and his goblins would be waiting. Out of sight, she apparated closer to the forest and continued her journey on foot, soon finding around forty goblins standing around their king, guarding him in case of a threat.

"My lady" Ragnok greeted from his position, bowing low. The others, including her account manager Sharptooth, followed suit only to gape in shock as Adelaide curtsied in greeting.

"Good evening! Thank you for coming, I appreciate your help on this" Ragnok stepped forward after gesturing for his warriors to move aside, and Adelaide watched in fascination as they all repositioned themselves to stand around them both.

"My warriors are unaware of our business here, only myself and Sharptooth have been notified. Would you care to explain?"

In slight shock, Adelaide looked at each goblin and shifted slightly as she noticed all their eyes focused firmly on her. "Oh! Of course. Well... a few of my packmates had unfortunately been placed under blocks, compulsions and potions-" They all growled in outrage, their hands tightening over their goblin-made weapons. Adelaide's lips twitched but continued. "So they had suggested that I should tell everyone to get tested, just in case but we thought it was much easier and beneficial if some of you were to come to Hogwarts to do the tests here. We decided that it is best to do so right after the feast so no student or staff could leave before getting them done"

"Lady Potter and I have discussed this extensively. This plan will not only assist any unfortunate victims, but it will also allow us to determine if anyone in that castle is connected to some of our inactive clients. As a result, we will be able to reopen the old vaults and attract more business." Ragnok explained to his warriors, who nodded in agreement to the plan. The king then turned back to Adelaide, who was watching them with a smile. "We have brought some special runic boxes, that way we can communicate with those back at Gringotta who are waiting for us to start. If we find some new heirs or even lords and Ladies, they can transfer their rings over instantly"

Adelaide was pleased with King Ragnok's decision and nodded her head with a smile. They spent the next half an hour discussing every aspect of their plan and how things could change once those in the great hall had taken their inheritance tests. Ragnok reassured her that they had enough cleansing potions for every student and staff at Hogwarts. Although it was different from the ritual, which would have stripped away the illegal magic and potions from the victim immediately, the potion worked just as well, only a little slower.

"I think it's time... My father and uncles will be waiting for you all at the entrance whilst I go and reboot the wards around the castle. Just give me a moment to take down the wards temporarily so you can all enter" Adelaide crouched and pressed her palm against the grass beneath her, closing her eyes she focused on the connection she had with the castle and in her mind's eye, she saw a bright blue glowing tentacle that moved in waves. She internally reached out and clamped her hand around it, the movements stopped immediately as it buzzed against her palm.

"You may enter, quickly please" She announced without opening her eyes, keeping her main focus on the glowing tentacle.

"We have passed, my lady" An unknown gruff voice called out and Adelaide immediately let go, allowing the movement to restart. She instantly felt the wards reconnect, though she was still unhappy with how weak and disturbed it felt.

Opening her eyes, Adelaide stood slowly and walked past the wards, immediately being greeted by Lady Magic with a warm wave of magic that flowed through her body. With a sigh of contentment, Adelaide gestured for the goblins to follow. They soon made their way to the main doors where her papa and Uncles were patiently waiting. Upon seeing the goblins, the three wizards bowed as a sign of respect which pleased but also shocked them.

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