First and Last warning

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The school couldn't stop talking about Dolohov for the next few days. The theories about why he hadn't entered the castle became more and more outlandish, but Adelaide and the pack knew it was because the protective spells around the building prevented him from entering. Lady Hogwarts was aware that Antonin Dolohov was an enemy of the marauder's pack and was relieved that Adelaide now had full control of the wards, as they had no idea what would happen if Dumbledore had full access. Hannah from Hufflepuff had spent the next herbology class telling anyone who'd listen that Dolohov could turn into a flowering shrub, which the pack found hilarious but Draco felt that people deserved to know what to look out for. The news of Dolohov's animagus form spread through the castle rapidly, and they all noticed people looking around wearily whenever they were outside of the castle.

One afternoon, Adelaide was summoned down to the dungeons by Professor Snape-Prince, who seemed to be having a father-son tea meeting. Cole smirked flirtatiously as soon as she entered and as usual, the professor remained expressionless but she could have sworn she saw some concern in his raven eyes.

"There's no point hiding it from you any longer, Potter-Black-" He said in a very serious tone. "I know this may come as a shock to you but Antonin Dolohov-"

Adelaide spoke up, interrupting the man. "Don't worry yourself, Professor, I know he's after me" Professor Snape-Prince seemed very taken back. He stared at Adelaide for a moment or two whilst Cole looked a mixture of concern and confusion.

The professor leant back in his seat, his fingers interlocking as he slowly raised his eyebrow. "Do I want to know how you came across this information?" Adelaide's lips twitched as she leaned forward, mimicking his pose whilst leaning her elbows on his desk.

"Death follows me wherever I go, Professor. Of course, I'd be informed" Adelaide's answer seemed to make both Snape-Prince's unnerved and the youngest of the two looked around wearily in search of death himself.

"Yes... well you may go"

The weather continued to worsen as the first Quidditch match approached. Despite the challenging conditions, Gryffindor continued to train hard. However, there was some frustration when they were informed that instead of playing against Slytherin, they were scheduled to play against Hufflepuff.

"Flint's excuse is that their seeker is feeling unwell and they don't have anyone to fill in" said Oliver Wood, grinding his teeth in frustration. "But it's obvious why they're doing it. Don't want to play in this weather. Think it'll damage their chances-" The Gryffindor team couldn't blame the Slytherins if they decided to change the schedule due to the weather. There had been strong rain and winds all day and as Oliver spoke, they heard a distant rumble of thunder.

"There's nothing wrong with Prince-" Fred scoffed, feeling his dislike for the younger wizard increase.

"He was perfectly fine earlier!" Said George, shaking his head in frustration.

"I know that, but we can't prove anything-" Oliver said bitterly. "And we've been practising all those moves assuming we're playing Slytherin, and instead it's Hufflepuff, and their style's quite different. They've got a new captain and seeker, Cedric Diggory-" Angelina, Katie and Alicia began giggling and the males of the team looked over at them in confusion.


"He's that tall, good-looking one, isn't he?" Said Angelina, sharing wide grins with her friends.

"And Constantly flirts with Adelaide" This seemed to catch the twins' attention, their eyes narrowed as they felt their protective instincts heighten.

"Whatcha say?" Fred growled slowly, his hand tightening around his beater bat. Alicia suddenly realised what she had said and exchanged nervous looks with Angelina and Katie.

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