Looking after Adelaide

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The time for the children to return to Hogwarts was fast approaching and they were all genuinely thrilled to go back, though they would miss Potter's manor and the two older wizards who had become somewhat of an uncle to them all.

It was now August 25th and in the main bedroom, Adelaide was seen buried under numerous duvets, her arms wrapped around her stomach as small whimpers left her lips. She had once again fallen victim to the horrid lady problems called Periods and had decided to suffer in bed alone. She knew her family and friends were waiting for her to arrive for breakfast but she couldn't find the energy to move, knowing that she'd feel even worse if on her feet, even for a little while. Luckily, her menstrual cycle only lasted a few days, unlike others who may have to fight through a week's worth of pain.

A soft knock on her bedroom door caught her attention but she did not call out or move, she stayed perfectly still and quiet in hopes that whoever it was, would leave. Of course, they had other plans and the sound of the door opening made her internally groan.

"Cousin?" Draco's voice called out quietly, his footsteps approaching the bed slowly and she felt her mattress dip beside her.

"Are you awake?" A whimper left her lips as a wave of pain rushed through her stomach. Draco immediately pulled back the cover and his eyes flashed with concern when he noticed the tears flowing down her cheeks.

"What's wrong, Adela? Are you in pain?" He questioned softly as he scooted closer, his eyes looking her over to find the cause of her pain. She nodded with a small whimper and that's when he noticed where her arms were, a knowing look appearing on his face.

"That time again?-" She nodded once again, a sob leaving her lips as he began running his fingers through her hair. "I'll go ask Uncle Sirius for a pain reliever, do you need anything else?" She shook her head and with a small kiss on her forehead, Draco rushed out of the room.

It wasn't long until Adelaide heard footsteps in her room again, this time it was her papa who sat beside her. He had a tray with a bowl of fruit, a cup of hot chocolate and a vial with what she assumed was a pain reliever.

"How are you feeling, puppy?" He asked softly, placing the tray onto her side table and he began running his fingers through her hair.

"It hurts, papa" She whimpered as she looked up at him through teared-filled eyes.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. I bought you some pain reliever but you'll need to eat before taking it. Do you think you can sit up and eat a bit for me?" She nodded slightly and pulled herself up, leaning against her headboard as Sirius laid the tray on his daughter's lap. She looked down at the fruit bowl, her stomach automatically growling at the sweet aroma and with a small sigh, she picked up the fork and began eating.

"You can stay in bed for the day. Ron is playing chess with your uncle Moony and you know how competitive those two are-" Adelaide giggled, memories of their intense chess match coming to mind from a few days ago. "Your brother is, of course, in the greenhouse with Susy so we won't be seeing him for a while. Draco, Blaise and Theo are in the library, but I wouldn't be surprised if they come to see you at some point" Adelaide noticed the fond tone in her papa's voice whenever he spoke about the group of boys, and it warmed her heart that both he and her uncle Remus accepts them as though they are part of the family.

Adelaide quickly finished her small meal and drank half of her hot chocolate before she was finally allowed to take the pain reliever, the cramps disappearing almost immediately after.

"Thank you, papa" She sighed as she snuggled into her pillow, her papa's hand running through her hair once again. "Can you stay with me for a bit, please?"

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