"One down, three to go"

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The Marauder's pack had decided to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas, Adelaide wanted them to experience the beauty of the castle during the holidays, also she had something to do that was long overdue. She and the pack were at Hogsmeade station, seeing off a few of their friends who were leaving to see their family.

"It's freezing and I need a hot chocolate, so let's go," Neville said through chattering teeth, grabbing hold of his sister's arm and softly pulling her away to make their journey back to Hogwarts.

The grounds were covered in thick layers of snow and the air was crisp and filled with glistening snowflakes. Adelaide loved the snow and its beauty but most definitely preferred the summer. The pack soon made it back to Hogwarts after stopping for multiple mini-snow fights which somehow always started with Adelaide pushing one of the boys into the snow and running away. By the time they made it to the entrance, they were covered head to toe in snow and their faces were red from the cold.

"Oh, look at you all" Professor Sprout giggled with a shake of her head. "Go on, go get dressed and ask the elves for some hot coco"

"Yes professor" They responded in unison before all splitting up to their dorms and planning on meeting back at Adelaide's room afterwards. However, instead of going to get changed, Adelaide made her way to her favourite professor for an overdue chat.

"Minnie, you in here?" She called out cheerfully as she knocked on the ajar door. She heard an audible sigh coming from the room and with a cheeky smile, Adelaide poked her head inside.

"Come in, Miss Potter-Black and shut the door" She did as instructed and skipped down the aisle to the professor's desk. "What can I do for you?"

Adelaide hopped up on the desk with a grin, earning a disapproving look from the professor. "Well... I promise Fili that I'll explain everything to you"

Upon seeing the shocked look in the professor's eyes, Adelaide conjured a chair to the front of McGonagall's desk and took a seat, her face growing serious. "I must ask you to take a magical vow, this has to be kept secret, Minnie"

With a sigh, the professor took out her wand and made the vow without a second thought, much to Adelaide's surprise but appreciated the trust the professor had for her.

"Now, I think it's time to explain, don't you?" After placing a privacy spell around the room, Adelaide began the long explanation of what had happened.

Throughout the conversation, McGonagall went through a roller coaster of emotions and even shed a good few tears. She couldn't believe that someone she had once trusted with her life could be so vile, so... dark and manipulative. It made her downright disgusted to even think of him as a friend at one point. By the end of Adelaide's explanation, Minerva stood from her desk and turned to gaze out the window, her hands trembling in fury, sadness and grief.


"What is it you wish from me, Adelaide?" The immortal witch swallowed the lump in her throat, slightly disturbed by the amount of emotion in the professor's voice.

"All I want is your support, professor. Voldemort is gone, but Dumbledore is still here and that is our problem to deal with. My pack and I, love Hogwarts and this is my home, Minnie... I will not let that bastard taint my castle any further. Unfortunately, it's extremely difficult to prove anything he has done. Which is why the goblins are putting together all the evidence we can get against him" Minerva turned slowly towards her student, her eyes filled with unshed tears and her lips pressed together firmly.

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