The magical Princess

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At Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the halls were absent of any students and the professors were busy preparing for the new year to start in a few days.

Minerva McGonagall was sitting at her desk, her workload long forgotten as she read the Daily Prophet over and over again. She remembered what occurred in the headmaster's office a few days prior and couldn't help but smile proudly at the picture that was printed. She felt at ease, knowing nothing could harm the little girl, especially not Albus Dumbledore.

- Flashback -

Minerva was enjoying her lunch with the rest of her colleagues, all wondering why Albus had been summoned to the ministry so suddenly.

"Perhaps something serious happened" Pomona Sprout, the Herbology professor and head of Hufflepuff House, spoke, earning a wonderous hum from the other professors.

"I don't think it's any of our business" A deep and cold voice spoke out, gaining their attention. At the end of the table sat a man with greasy shoulder-length black hair and a large black cloak that stood out immensely against his pale skin.

"Don't pretend you aren't curious, Severus" Filius Flitwick, the charms professor and head of Ravenclaw house with goblin heritage said, rolling his eyes at the closed-off Potions master.

Before another word could be spoken, the doors to the main hall swung open revealing none other than Albus Dumbledore. The professors expected him to join them for lunch but instead, he remained by the doors.

"Staff meeting, now!" The professors were taken back by his demand which was full of anger. They all exchanged curious and concerned looks before pushing away their meals and following the headmaster to his office.

As they entered, they all stood back and watched the usually calm and collected older man, pace back and forth as he whispered to himself. Minerva couldn't help but feel concerned but what surprised her the most was the clear disapproval on the face of Fawkes the Pheonix, Albus' supposed familiar.

"Albus, what's going on?" The headmaster's head snapped towards them as though he had no clue that they arrived only moments ago.

"Please, take a seat" His tone was stern but kind, making the professors feel more at ease.

More chairs were conjured and the professors took a seat in front of his desk. Minerva, being a long-time friend of the headmaster could see something in the man's eyes that made her uneasy, it was as though she was staring into the eyes of someone who lost their insanity in Azkaban. She knew he was an old wizard and wondered if his age was finally catching up with him, making his once brilliant mind a little unstable.

"I was summoned to the ministry for a trial, a trial for one Sirius Black-"

"What?!" Severus Snape, who decided to remain standing, stepped forward with a face of rage. The four of the three other heads of houses and the headmaster knew the rough and bitter past the potion master had with Sirius Black and his friends, but thought it was about time the man let the hatred go.

"It seems that Adelaide Potter-Black took over her inheritance and in doing so, found out that Sirius Black was her blood-adopted father-"

"Blood-adopted? Albus, why wasn't this out in the open before? If the ministry knew, then Mr Black would have never gone to Azkaban. He would have never survived if he caused harm to Miss Potter-Black-" Minerva was furious, she always believed the man to be innocent but Albus had continued to drill in her head that the ministry had proof. It was now clear to her that that wasn't the case.

"Perhaps you should show us the memory of the Trial, I would like to see for myself what happened," Professor Sprout said, her tone stern and it was clear to those around her that she was unhappy by the clear injustice of one of her favourite students to ever walk the halls of Hogwarts.

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