Diagon Alley

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A month had passed since Adelaide reunited with her Uncle, and her birthday approached quickly. Truth be told, she wasn't expecting anything for her birthday because despite turning eleven, it wasn't that much of a big deal for her. In her last life, she hadn't celebrated her birthday until her third year at Hogwarts, where her god-brother, Neville had decided to organise a surprise party in the Gryffindor common room. It wasn't the craziest she has had at the school but it somehow meant the most to her, especially because both Neville and Ron had put so much thought into it, going as far as asking the elves to bake her a Quidditch cake.

The dynamic between herself and her Uncle was great, she did end up explaining mostly everything to him and much to her shock, he made a magical oath not to reveal anything unless she gave him direct permission to do so. Of course, she decided to leave out his relationship with Tonks and the fact that they had a child together, though the most shocking information he heard was the fact that Voldemort was officially dead, unlike her last life. It made him feel so much relief that he spent a whole hour hugging her for dear life, especially after she explained all the stuff she went through before.

On the morning of July 31st, Adelaide wandered down to the kitchen half asleep and was met by the mouthwatering scent of pancakes, Bacon and eggs. Her stomach growled loudly as she stared at the table full of food, not noticing the amused and fond smile on her uncle's face as he placed the pot of tea down.

"Happy birthday, my little cub" He cooed, snapping her out of her daze.

She smiled brightly up at him and ran into his arms, she nuzzled into his chest as though she truly was a wolf cub. Remus noticed she did it quite often, as a way to show affection or spread her scent. He had asked her whether or not she had an animagus form in her previous life and much to his surprise, she revealed that she was indeed a wolf animagus, making him wonder whether she carried over traits of a wolf into this life.

"Thank you, Uncle Moony" She whispered, knowing with his enhanced senses he would be able to hear her perfectly.

"Come, I know your hungry" He teased and nudged her towards the table. She stuck her tongue out, earning a chuckle from the man before they both settled into their seats.

It wasn't until half an hour later that their meal was interrupted by a tapping on the window. Adelaide walked towards it casually, earning an eye roll from her uncle, who wished that she would be more excited like every other magical eleven-year-old. She took her Hogwarts letter from the majestic owl, placing some treats in a little bowl for it by the window before making her way back to the table. She placed the letter on the table and resumed her birthday meal, not noticing her uncle's eyes on her.

"Cub!" She jumped, looking up with wide eyes with pancakes hanging half out of her mouth.

"What?" She mumbled with a full mouth, earning a disapproving look from the man.

"Be more excited!" He whined, pointing at her Hogwarts letter. She swallowed her mouthful of pancakes before taking the letter in her hand.

"Yay," She said feigning her cheerfulness as she waves it in the air dramatically. Remus remained silent, staring at her with a deadpanned expression for a few moments before rolling his eyes, and returning to his meal.

"Honestly Uncle, I am excited to go back to Hogwarts but there's a part of me that doesn't want to go" A concerned look formed on his scarred face as he watched his niece sip her tea as she eyed the letter on the table.

"Why, sweetheart?"

"Because then I'll be away from you" She mumbled under her breath, keeping her focus on her plate where she moved the pancake around.

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