Enemies of the heir, beware

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Later that day, the pack sat in the courtyard completing their homework when they noticed the Slytherin and Gryffindor team in a heated discussion.

"Uh oh, I smell trouble" Enzo sang as he looked between Adelaide and the two Quidditch teams.

"Oh for fuck sake" Adelaide sighed and with a wave of her hand, she banished her homework to her room before making her way towards the groups.

"Clear out, Flint! I booked the team for Gryffindor today." Oliver hissed, glaring at the Slytherin captain, Marcus Flint.

"Easy, wood. I've got a note" Before Oliver could grab the parchment, it was already in Adelaide's hand. The two teams stared in shock as they hadn't noticed her or her friend's approach.

"What's going on here, boys?"

"Oh! Good afternoon Adelaide. We have a note from Professor Snape to help train our new seeker" Marcus explained with a smile that shocked not only the Gryffindors but also his fellow Quidditch team. Marcus Flint was known for being quite an aggressive and cold wizard, but some noticed that it was becoming quite common to see a softer and more openly happy version of himself. However, it didn't take long for people to realise it's usually whenever he's conversing with Adelaide Potter-Black.

"Who is your new seeker, Marcus?" a wizard with dark brown hair and eyes stepped forward, a cocky smirk on his face which made Adelaide raise an eyebrow.

"I'm Cole, Cole Prince" The name 'Prince' was immediately recognised as Snape's mother's maiden name, making Adelaide wonder whether they were somehow related.

"Nice to meet you. Marcus, have you seen Mr Prince play before?" The Slytherin captain thought for a moment before shaking his head and making Adelaide hum lightly.

"Well then, why don't your teams have a friendly game, that way you can see how well Mr Prince plays and you both can get some training in. It's either that or you stand here and argue" Oliver and Marcus contemplated for a few moments before the silence was broken by the Gryffindor captain, who sighed and nodded his head.

"Good! Go on then, get a move on" The two teams chuckled at her enthusiasm and made their way down to the pitch.

Adelaide then turned to her friends with a wide grin. "That went well"

After dinner that evening, Luna and Adelaide, along with the pack and Enzo were seen walking through the dimly lit corridors to stay in her private quarters. They were so focused on their discussion that they hadn't noticed Neville coming to a sudden halt until Draco bumped into him, his face pale and his body frozen stiff.

"Nev?" He slowly raised his arm, pointing towards a wall. They all froze in shock, especially the pack who remembered what Adelaide had told them of what occurred during her second year the last time around.

'The chamber of secrets has been opened. The enemies of the heir, beware.'

"What's that? Hanging underneath?" Blaise whispered, his eyes narrowed in hopes it would make his vision adjust to the dim lighting.

"Filch's cat-"

"Nope! Not doing this shit, I refuse" Adelaide's outburst made them all jump in fright but grew more concerned as they watched her storm down the corridor in the opposite direction. They all shared a look before chasing after her.

Adelaide was feeling a mixture of emotions, anger being the most prominent since she knew for a fact that Tom Riddles' diary was not responsible. She couldn't quite figure out what was doing the petrifying but most definitely knew where to get her answers.

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