"They don't have a choice, Uncle Dearest"

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The moment Adelaide stepped out of the Floo in the Leaky cauldron, she immediately spotted the loud and cheerful group of redheads around one of the larger tables in the pub. She instantly noticed how much taller Ron, Fred and George had gotten, especially her Ronnie who seemed to look more mature than he did in her original life. She slowly gazed at each male member of her pack, wondering if the connection that had snapped into place a week prior had been the reason for their change in appearance.

"Adelaide!" The excited voice of Ron snapped her out of her thoughts, his smile was wide and his eyes bright, making her grin before running into his awaiting arms. He let out a booming laugh before catching her off guard by picking her up by her waist, her legs instinctively wrapping around him as she giggled.

"I missed you, Bella!"

"Little lion! Put my daughter down" Sirius' voice makes him freeze briefly before he grinned over her shoulder at the protective father. He slowly placed her back on the ground, her face red and smile large as she snuggled into his chest.

"Sorry, Uncle Siri but we've missed our girl" He called out, earning a gobsmacked look from the Black Lord which worsened as the entire pack nodded in agreement, their eyes focussed firmly on Adelaide who was grinning as she relaxed against Ron's chest.

"Moony! Are you hearing him? The cheeky little-" Molly, who was standing close by cleared her throat, her eyes narrowed at Sirius with a look that dared him to continue his sentence. With a sheepish smile, he continued "Cheeky little brave lion?"

"Nice try, Siri" Regulus chuckled as he stepped forward and patted his older brother on the shoulder with mocking praise.

Shaking his head at the older blacks' behaviour, Arthur spoke up as he addressed the large group. "Well... I think it's about time we start our shopping. Let's all get going"

They all piled out of the Leaky Cauldron and into the busy magical district of Diagon Alley. At each shop they go to, only two adults escort the children in as it begins to get overcrowded. Adelaide and some of the third-year pack members had decided on Care of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies for their electives as she refused downright to step foot in the division classroom. However, Draco, Ron and Neville had chosen to give the subject a try, though were a little hesitant after Adelaide had giggled and wished them luck.

"What the fuck is a monster book" Theo eyed the large book that was tied together by a thick rope.

"Watch your language, Theodore" His father hissed, nudging him slightly with a warning glare. Theo smiled sheepishly and apologised but had not once taken his eyes off the dangerous book.

"See... I've always said books are dangerous" Ron huffed, his arms crossed over his chest as he looked at the book in distaste.

Percy shook his head, though there was a light smile on his face. "I wonder who the professor is... this is a dangerous book to give to students"

Adelaide sighed as she watched the bookkeeper look close to bursting into tears as he eyed their group next to the particular book that had been causing him trouble for days. She stepped through her pack and approached the book, despite the quiet warnings of those behind her.

"Watch and learn" She grabbed the book and gently stroked its spine, making it shiver before fully relaxing in her hold and allowing her to open without issue. The shopkeeper sobbed in relief, thanking the immortal witch numerous times and insisted that she and her pack receive the monster books, free of charge. Grabbing the rest of her books for the year, Adelaide and the pack left quickly which was just in time since the store was getting even more busy.

"Look who it is" Enzo hissed in disgust, gaining everyone's attention. Further down the street was none other than Granger, walking with her nose in the air with her parents following close behind. Mr and Mrs Granger seemed exhausted with dark circles under their eyes and a look of annoyance as they watched their daughter barge people out of the way.

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