The Mystery of Regulus Black

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The halls were filled with excited whispers as students discussed the upcoming Halloween feast for later that night. Thankfully it landed on a Friday, which meant not only did students finish their lessons earlier but the Slytherins had decided to host one of their wild parties for after the feast.

Adelaide was the one student who simply wanted the day to end. Halloween had never bothered her before arriving at Hogwarts but when finding out that your parents were killed on that specific day, the excitement became non-existent for her. She didn't hold it against anyone, she understood that Halloween was a day to look forward to and the death of Voldemort made it extra special, but she simply wished that people would think more about what it took for the magical world to be at peace.

Adelaide had been dragged from her bedroom by Luna, knowing she wouldn't attend breakfast otherwise. She was currently sitting at the Gryffindor table, her pack positioned around her as they talked quietly. They knew their Alpha wasn't up to speaking and completely understood, making sure to keep the topic of Halloween out of their discussions. They were glad that their uncles Sirius and Remus had decided to take her out of Hogwarts for the weekend as they planned to visit the Potters' graves later that evening. However, they were a little unnerved by the fact that she would be away from them and assumed it was because their connection with the witch had grown stronger and needed to make sure she was safe and happy.

"Come on, Adelaide. You need to eat" Draco whispered, sighing as she placed a single grape into her mouth. He exchanged concerned looks with the rest of the pack but decided against pushing her too much, knowing the girl had quite a temper.

Adelaide sat in deep thought, wondering how her life would have turned out if her parents hadn't been murdered. Suddenly, she felt a familiar magic in the air, one so alluring and addictive that it made her sit up straight, looking around the hall with a bright smile. The magic created goosebumps on her skin, and the hair at the back of her neck stood straight as the magic washed over her, making her sigh contentedly as her eyes fluttered shut.

"Bella?" Not only did the Pack notice her odd behaviour but so did those closest to them. They watched as her smile widened and shocked gasps left a few lips as her eyes shot open, her emerald eyes glowing bright.

"He's here"

The doors to the great hall suddenly swung open with such force that they collided with the stone walls. There stood Mortem in all his glory, his black eyes scanning the hall until they found Adelaide, whose smile was the brightest anyone had ever seen. He began to make his way towards the Gryffindor table but Adelaide's excitement became too much so she began running in his direction, jumping into his arms the second she could touch him.

"Hello, little one" He whispered as he held her close, his fingers running through her black curls.

"Missed you, Morty" He let out a deep chuckle and slowly lowered her down. Despite having an intimidating aura, everyone could see how much he cared for the powerful witch simply by the way he looked at her.

"I missed you too, darling. I found something I think you'd be quite interested in, bring your pack too"

"Excuse me! Who are you and what are you doing in my school?" Mortem's eyebrows shot up and he chuckled as he slowly raised his head to look at the headmaster, who was standing with his wand pointed straight at them.

"Your school? Old Man, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry belongs to Adelaide Potter-Black, and the sooner you accept that the sooner you'll stop looking like a fucking fool" Subtle laughter and whispers filled the air, the students and staff looking at the two men nervously as they felt the intense tension between them.

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