Plans for the future

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Adelaide sat on her bed, a pout plastered on her face as She looked down at the charms book in front of her. Her papa and Uncles were firm on her studying during the summer, whether that be school material or advanced pieces of magic, they didn't care but knew that even though she was advanced and had already lived through her Hogwarts years once before, she still needed to remember as much as she could.

"The Patronus Charm - This ancient and mysterious charm conjures a magical guardian, a projection of all your most positive feelings. The Patronus Charm is difficult, and many witches and wizards are unable to produce a full, corporeal Patronus, a guardian which generally takes the shape of the animal with whom they share the deepest affinity. You may suspect, but you will never truly know what form your Patronus will take until you succeed in conjuring it"

Adelaide hummed and grabbed her wand, trying to think of the happiest memory she could come up with. She was successful in the past but wondered if any of the memories from this life would be powerful enough to boost the Patronus. Memories flickered through her mind, ones of seeing her uncle and Papa again, followed by moments with her pack and all the love and care they give her. She focussed on one in particular, a memory of them in the Zoo together and with a wave of Her wand, she called out. "Expecto patronum!"

"Mother fucker" She groaned as she watched a bright mist forming out of her wand. A non-corporeal patronus. 'Another memory it is' she thought as she focussed harder on others.

She tried multiple times but no memory seemed to be strong enough, then she remembered how she had accomplished it last time. She had focussed more on the positive feelings rather than a memory since she knew that talking with her parents had not happened outside of her dreams. She closed her eyes and focussed on how she was feeling whenever she was with her pack And family. How loved, cherished and happy she was whenever she was in their presence and with a confident tone, she cried "EXPECTO PATRONUM"

Before her very eyes, a familiar figure ran out of her wand. Prongs... her father's animagus form, prancing bright and beautiful around the room. However, her eyes widened as three other forms began pouring from her wand. The first, was a huge furry wolf that began howling silently to the sky, followed closely by a familiar dog that started running around in circles like she had seen her papa do on numerous occasions. The last was a snake, huge and graceful as it slithered up her bed and around her neck.

"Holy fuck!" In shock, Adelaide grabbed her charms book and threw it across the room, hitting the figure in her doorway in the stomach. She gasped As her uncle Regulus hunched over, winded from the force of it.

"Uncle Reggie! You can't scare me like that! You gave me a fucking heart attack. Were you trying to kill me or something!" She scolded in panic as she ran towards him, rubbing his back as he continued To groan. She frowned as the four patronus' disappeared due to her lack of focus on the spell.

He slowly raised from his hunched position, looking at Adelaide with a Blank expression. "You're immortal" he deadpanned, earning a sheepish smile from his niece.

"Sorry, Uncle Reg. Are you alright?"

With a deep breath, he nodded and said "I'm fine, little snake. Do you have any idea how rare it is to have more than one patronus, let alone four?"

Adelaide laughed lightly at his excitement and sat at the end of her bed, her uncle sitting beside her. "You'll get used to me doing near-impossible shit"

"Language, love" He scolded lightly, earning an eye roll from his niece. "How's your studying going anyway?"

She let out a groan and slumped back against the mattress, looking up at her ceiling. "I hate studying. It's boring and a waste of time"

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