The old Coot called

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The hospital wing had been somewhere Adelaide regularly ended up and stayed, especially after Quidditch or the ridiculous escapades that were created by Dumbledore at the end of each year. Whilst she was glad Neville did not get seriously hurt, she hated seeing him in a hospital bed looking pale and shaken as it reminded her a lot of the young man she saw in the great hall after the final battle.

"Are you sure he's alright, Madam Pomfrey?" She asked the healer, looking between the matron and Neville with a concerned frown.

It was clear as day to Poppy Pomfrey that the small group cared about one another, despite some of them only meeting the day before. She had heard from Minerva about Adelaide Potter-Black and the memory of what occurred at the trial of Sirius Black, and despite being a little apprehensive of what the titles would mean for the eleven-year-old girl, she was also curious about what she would achieve.

"He's perfectly fine, dear. Just a small dose of pepper-up potion and he's good to go" Madam Pomfrey insured the worried group as she poured some of the potions onto a spoon, seeing how it's unnecessary to take the whole thing which is commonly used for curing a cold.

"Yuck" Neville gagged, making Adelaide giggle quietly, exchanging a look with the rest of her friends as she rubbed her brother's back in hopes of soothing the boy.

"We have about an hour until dinner, Why don't you all come to my room" Adelaide offered, earning happy nods from the group and as soon as Neville was discharged from the hospital wing, the rowdy group made their way through the corridors and to the corridor where her room was located.

"Miss Potter-Black" A waspish voice was heard from behind them, making the group jump and swirl around. The three Slytherins relaxed almost instantly, though looked a little nervous at the glare that was directed not only at Neville and Adelaide but also at them.

"Professor" She greeted him with a nod, her face completely void of all emotion.

"The headmaster demands your presence in his office. Do be quick, he hasn't got all day. The password is Sherbet Lemon" With that, Snape spun around with his cloak swishing as he did so and stormed away.

"This isn't good" Theo mumbled quietly to the group, earning agreeable nods until they turned to look at Adelaide and found a mischievous grin on her face.

"I take it back, that look isn't good" Without warning, Adelaide grabbed hold of Blaise and Ron's hands and began pulling them towards her room with the group following close behind.

She ignored their questions and pushed her magic into the portrait, making it swing open. They all entered her room and Adelaide immediately rushed into the door that led to her bedroom, leaving her friends to appreciate the interior. Adelaide b-lined to her side table beside her bed and picked up the communication mirror and instantly called for her Papa.

"Hey puppy, you okay?" Her papa said with a smile.

"Hey Papa, I was wondering if you could Floo to the headmaster's office in a few minutes. He called for a meeting" Adelaide instantly saw her Papa's face harden and the image began moving as he walked through the rooms.

"Moony! We have somewhere to be" She heard her Papa call out and after a short conversation, they disconnected the mirror and she left her room to see her friends talking and laughing around the couches.

"Great place, Della" Blaise complimented when she came into view.

"Thank you. Now, you are more than welcome to stay here whilst I go see the old bastard or, I can meet you in the great hall for dinner whilst you do whatever" From the looks of comfort on their faces, she had an idea of what they'd choose. She watched with a smile as Draco approached her, but frowned a little when she saw the concern in his grey eyes.

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