Known to the wizarding world.

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The 3rd of October arrived in a wave of dark clouds and heavy rains, giving the castle a gloomy atmosphere. However, that wasn't the case for the marauder's pack, who were currently standing in Flitwick's office as they prepared to Floo to the Ministry of Magic for the wizengamot meeting. It had been arranged by Adelaide's papa that they'd arrive at Madam Bone's office and make their way down to the courtroom together. They were all dressed in their finest clothes, the males of the pack, along with Adelaide were dressed in pristine suits whilst the females were in elegant dresses and robes.

"Lord Black has informed us of your decision to mark your pack," Minerva said with a raised eyebrow, a curious look in her eye as she spoke directly to Adelaide.

The immortal witch let out a little sigh and said "I know how it must seem, Grandma-" The older witch shook her head as she placed her hand on Adelaide's shoulder, a small smile on her face.

"No kitten, I do not compare your decision with his-" She said sternly. "Your father has explained it all to us and I was merely wondering if you plan to mark the rest of us" Adelaide's eyebrows shot up, shocked that such a question would be on her mind. Truth be told, she hadn't thought the older members of the pack would want to be marked in such a way, especially with their past of fighting Voldemort and the death eaters.

"I hadn't thought of it, if I'm being honest but would that be something that you're interested in?" Minerva looked over at Remus and Filius, the three exchanging certain looks that made the pack rather curious.

"We'll discuss this topic further once we've returned. Your papa and Uncle Regulus are waiting for us, we shall go now" Adelaide laughed under her breath and nodded her head before one by one, they Flooed to the Ministry.

"Good afternoon, My lady" Madam Bones greeted with a bow as Adelaide elegantly exited the Floo.

"Hello, Madam Bones. Thank you for allowing us to use your Floo"

"Of course. I'm unaware of what you're planning but I'm sure it will be entertaining, nonetheless" The smirks on the pack's faces unnerved the older witch, glancing at Lord Black only to see an identical look on his face. "Oh Merlin"

They all made their way down to the courtrooms where the wizengamot session was being held, people bowing at the sight of her whilst others watched the large group with a sense of envy. They soon arrived outside the large group, the wizengamot members already inside, ready to start the session.

"Wait here and I shall call upon you when ready," Said Madam Bones, receiving a nod from the pack before she entered the room.

"The wizengamot is in session! We've been called here today by Lord Malfoy and Lord Black. Please, address the room" Both Sirius and Lucius raised from their seats and with a nod from the grey-eyed man, Lucius took control.

"Good afternoon Lords and Ladies. Lord Black and I have called everyone here today on behalf of Lady Potter-Peverell-Gryffindor-Slytherin-" Whispers filled the room whilst a certain member of the wizengamot paled, wondering how she had left the castle and what topic she was going to bring up in the meeting. "Auror Tonks, please allow the marauders to enter"

Nymphadora Tonks bowed her head ever so slightly and opened the big doors, everyone watched as a group of children entered the room with Adelaide leading. They all stood in the middle of the room, ignoring the confused and slight glares aimed their way.

"What is this? Why aren't you all at Hogwarts!" Dumbledore scolded as he stood from his seat, only to be ignored by the students whose attention stayed firmly on the Minister.

"Good afternoon, My lady. What is it you'd like to discuss with us today?"

"Good afternoon Lords and Ladies. There are quite a lot of you in this room who have children or even grandchildren at Hogwarts currently. I'm unsure if you've been informed of my pack and me but I shall explain a little. The people around me are my closest friends and due to my connection with Lady Magic and death, the deities have connected us in a way that's unknown to our world. Our magic is connected, think of our bond as similar to one of a pack of wolves. I'm the Alpha and it's my job to love, care, treasure and protect the members of my pack, as do they for me. Our connection has increased since last year, allowing us to sense each other's emotions and calm each other down to the fullest extent-"

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