Rebellious Dementor

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The day came for the pack to return to Hogwarts for their third year, and unknown to everyone but her most trusted and the members of the school board, the feast later that evening would be one that no one could forget. Adelaide was both excited and nervous since not only will she be leading the goblins into the castle but she'll be updating the wards during the feast that'll not only protect the school better but will visibly change it. Hogwarts was sentient and was watched over by Lady Hogwarts herself, but all the changes the current and previous heads had made to the wards had slowly cut off her connection to it, making her somewhat sick. The new and improved wards will essentially boost her life force and give not only her but Adelaide full control over the school and the lands around it.

"Are you ready to leave, Puppy?" Adelaide peeked her head out of her bathroom, scoffing amusingly at the sight of her papa who was checking himself out in her mirror, smoothing down some of the stray hairs on his beard.

"Yep, let's go" She stepped out of the bathroom and her papa raised his eyebrow at her outfit choice. She had on a mid-thigh blood-red pencil skirt, one of his rock tops that was tied up at the front which showed off her belly button, along with black ankle boots and her marauder leather jacket that she had chosen to have black. Her hair hung loosely down to her hips and her face had subtle makeup of mascara, lip gloss and eyeliner.

"You're so much like I was at your age" He chuckled with a shake of his head, reminiscing about how crazy his parents reacted when he started to dress 'punk' like, including the eyeliner.

Adelaide grinned and looked down at her outfit before saying "you wore skirts too?" He barked out a laugh and wrapped his arm around his daughter as he guided her out of her bedroom.

"Nah, tried it once but it was too breezy" Her nose scrunched up a little before giggling and nudged her papa.

As they wandered downstairs, she Immediately noticed her two uncles who were bickering about Merlin knows what. They had an odd friendship in her opinion, she often found them either arguing over the littlest of things or laughing with one another during a bonding session that usually involved alcohol. Hearing their footsteps, the two paused their mini-argument and immediately saw the outfit, protectiveness flashing in their eyes as they imagined all the attention she'd be receiving from the opposite gender.

"Don't bother, we all know she won't change" Sirius sighed as he placed an affectionate kiss on the crown of his daughter's head. She shrugged with an innocent expression but her smile told them how correct her papa was in his statement.

"Let's just go" The werewolf grumbled, exhaustion in his eyes as the full moon was due to make an appearance in a few days.

They Flooed to platform nine and three-quarters and stepped to the side to discuss their plans for later that day. Regulus placed a privacy charm around them and sighed as he noticed the shocked looks he was receiving from the crowd. It had been the first time he had stepped out in public around wizards and witches since he had gone out shopping either in the muggle world or the magical districts in other countries.

"Right, let's go over the plan again" Adelaide sighed and subtly rolled her eyes, having gone through their plan numerous times.

"Arrive at Hogwarts and meet the goblins outside the wards. The three of you will meet them at the main doors and wait until the feast is finished whilst I go and reboot the wardstone. I will then return to the great hall whilst everyone gets their inheritance tests done" They stared at her with blank expressions, hearing the attitude in her tone as she spoke which left them unimpressed.

"Just give us some cuddles and piss off, sassy little shit" Remus sighed, his lips twitching into a smile as he wrapped his arms around his niece. As per usual, they scented one another before she moved on to do the same to her Uncle Reggie and her Papa.

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