47 ✽

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I smiled to myself as I slowly turned the doorknob to my parent's house. Aiden left a while back but I couldn't stop crying so I stayed back at my house a little. I couldn't wait to surprise my son.

I poked my head through the door.

“¡Hola Hola! (Hello! Hello!)I sang loudly, closing the door. “¡Estoy en casa! (I'm home!)

I strained my ears to hear the shriek from my mother, the thundering of energetic feet from my son, and my father's hearty laugh. But over a minute and the house was dead silent. I dropped the smile.

“Mom? Dad?” I called out. “Roman? Are you here?!”

I moved to the kitchen and a magazine was laid out beside a small bowl of soggy-looking cornflakes. I grimaced a little.

“Mom?!” I called out again, moving back into the living room. “Is Dad back to eating soggy cereal? It's still disgusting.”

I rubbed my arm.

“Could you be less condescending about soggy cereal, Bree-pickle? It's Sunday for God's sake.”

I whirled around.


“Hello, little sister. I knew that Spanish class would come in handy” She smiled as she waddled towards me.

What's she doing here?!

I was going to ask but I knew the answer she would give me and I wasn't ready to start picking fights with a pregnant woman. I wasn't going to let her ruin my mood.

“Where's Mom?”

She touched a hand to her chest painfully.

“Not acknowledging my greetings? I'm hurt.”

I arched my brow at her.

“I sent them on an errand” she smiled.

“You sent our parents on an errand?”

She shrugged.

“I am their pride and joy after all.”

“Mm,” I hummed.

Aubree chuckled.

“They took Roman out for ice cream. It is Sunday... remember?”

“Mm,” I hummed again.

She folded her arms.

“You look good, Brie.”


“Is 'Mm' the only reaction I'm going to get from you?” she chuckled.

I shrugged at her and she smiled.

“Well for what it's worth, I've missed you Bee.”

“Ew gross!” I exclaimed making her laugh.

“That's better” She smiled again and took a seat.

“Hey, Aubs... do you have any idea what you're going to do when your sister shows up tod.... ah Breanna!”

I cocked my head to the side and stared at Leslie.

“You're back!” he exclaimed nervously as he cradled the bowl of soggy cereal I'd found in the kitchen and glanced nervously at Aubree.

“I am” I replied. “And I have two questions for you Les. One, what are you doing in my house and why are you eating soggy cereal? And two...”

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