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Two weeks later


I sat in front of my home office as I went through my emails and answered the important ones. Roman was outside playing football with my dad.

I heard a bark outside my door and stood up. Opening the door, my dog trotted in.

“C'mere Dash,” I said to him and he curled down beside my chair.

I smiled and kept answering my emails until Zach rushed in, panting heavily. I paused and took a look at him.

“Hey,” I greeted.

“Okay, who's your favorite person in the entire world?”

“Easy. My son.”

He frowned.

“Your next favorite person?”

“My dad.”

“Okay, now you're just wounding me.”

I laughed.

“Okay you're my third favorite person in the world. Now can you tell me what's going on already?”

“Are you ready to hear some good news?”

“We could all use some,” I sighed.

“Well get ready to tell Roman that I'm your number one favorite person in the world entire world because I just got you an interview at Jewel Interactive” he announced.

“Wait, wait. Jewel Interactive? As in the biggest digital marketing company in the whole of...” I gasped, unable to finish.

He nodded and I exhaled excitedly.

“How'd you pull that one off?”

“You're my best friend Breanna. I'd do anything for you.”

I grinned and jumped up to hug him.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

He chuckled.

“The interview is at eight tomorrow morning.”

I beamed at him.

“I don't know what I'd do without you” I smiled.

“Easy, you'll never be without me.”

~Next morning~

“Hey don't worry, I'll drive Roman. Just go nail that interview. They wouldn't know what hit 'em!” Dad said making me laugh.

I hugged him and kissed my son goodbye before leaving for the interview.


I stared at the magnificent building and forgot to blink till my eyes began to burn.

“You can do this Brie!” I said to myself and walked through the revolving glass door into the reception.

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