73 ✽

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Tribeca, New York City


I strolled into the boardroom with Cynthia trailing after me. Everyone needed for the meeting to begin had arrived and was seated.

“Good, you're here. Let's get this show on the road” Herve said, smoothening his hair.

Breanna, in my mind, was the only person keeping me from punching the life out of this idiot at the moment. I cleared my throat as I sat in my chair.

“Good morning everyone” I greeted, leaning back in my seat and unbuttoning my jacket.

Everyone chorused their greeting, and I nodded.

“It’s our yearly general meeting, and I know we're going to be talking about sensitive issues that have gone on the whole year today. Just a reminder that we’ve all committed to starting with a positive assumption, so please bear that in mind.”

I caught Miles rolling his eyes.

“Ron, if you'll begin” I turned to him.

He nodded and stood up to commence the meeting. Ronbie purposefully led the meeting, driving home the point, and looked at me only when my input was needed.

The meeting proceeded successfully, and usually, I was chatty and very involved. But today, I spoke only when I had to. I couldn't afford to lose my cool on Miles Herve and mess up my plans.

“Aiden owns this decision, so I’m going to ask Aiden to halt the discussion when he has what he needs to make the call” one of the board of directors spoke up.

I nodded.

“I agree. Make the call.”

“Excellent. Do we have the list of the employees?”

I looked at Cynthia, who was already pulling out the files.

“And the financial records if you'd be so kind to add.”

Cynthia did just that. Each board member and investor present, as well as important staff at the meeting, picked a file. I waited as they went through.

“Is this recent?” Miles spoke up, getting everyone to look up from their files.

“Why do you ask, Mr. Herve?” another member of the board of directors asked.

“Well as some of you recall somewhere around last week, an employee quit because she was bored.”

He's digging his grave.

“Yet I see her name still in this list of currently employed Jewel Interactive staff” he continued.

“Yes, about that, Aiden,” another member of the board spoke up, setting his file down. “What was that about?”

“Do your employees just up and quit like that?” another one asked.

I folded my hands onto the table.

“No. Now, can we please go back to the matter at hand?”

Although they shared uneasy glances at each other, no one spoke again. The meeting pushed forward, and a few people who disagreed with certain points raised their own till everyone reached a mutual agreement.

“Aiden, what do you think?” Ron asked me.

“Well, I’m looking for different perspectives and new ways of thinking. But I’m going to move on if we’re all in agreement” I replied.

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