87 ✽

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Guadalajara, Mexico


“Please, you don't have to do this,” the boy begged, distracting me from my thoughts as I shot him a deadly look.

The begging always made me angry because they had known what they were doing and had ignored the consequences anyway. Every choice they had made had led to this moment, and if they thought I would feel sympathy towards the way they had chosen to die, they had another thing coming. Life was all about making decisions; they had made the wrong ones and now they were going to pay for it.

“How much time does he have left to live?” I asked Dion.

“About five minutes.”

I turned to the surrogate.

“You have five minutes to tell me where the child is, or this boy gets it.”

“I already told you there's no child!” she exclaimed, her anger quite similar to her sister's. “We faked the pregnancy, the blood test, everything. There is no child!”

“Okay,” I leaned away from her after a few seconds of watching her chest heave.

Picking up my knife, I moved to the boy who was also tied up in a chair.

“How old are you?” I asked.

“N-nineteen” he stammered.

“Good” I smiled and drove the knife through the back of his hand.

He tossed back his head with a scream and I left the knife there.

“Please” Veronica sobbed, “He has no part in this, c'mon. He's just a kid I tutor.”

“Should have thought about that before refusing to answer my question” I looked at her.

“I swear, there's no child. I can't have kids, please. Just let Josh go” she sobbed.

I hummed, tapping on my chin thoughtfully.

“No” I replied. “Get the doctor” I tossed over my shoulder at Dion.

He nodded and slipped into the other room to retrieve the beaten-up father.

“Tie him up” I instructed.

Dion did just that.

“Are you ready to talk Doctor James?” I asked. “This story had dragged on for too long and the audience is tired.”

“We've told you everything, lady” he replied weakly. “And it matches what my daughter said, does it not?”

I hummed.

“Yes, it does. But see here's the problem... I don't believe you” I shook my head.

“And how's that my fault?” he sneered.

“Dad don't, she stabbed Josh's hand” Veronica sobbed.

“And she is going to do away with Joshy here completely if you don't tell me what I wanna know.”

“But we already told you!” Veronica exclaimed, angry tears flowing. “We already fucking told you!”

I cocked my head at her.

“You know your sister was much more composed than you,” I said, “Even when I shot and killed her cat in front of her” I laughed a little.

“You killed Salma?” she whispered.

“I did” I laughed, “And it was exhilarating.”

“You're a psycho bitch” she sneered, her nose running.

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