11 ✽

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I hit the brakes as her face flashed in my head. I heard loud honks and angry voices.

“Hey man, watch where you're going! Do you want to kill people?!” a driver shouted.

To find out what her lips tasted like, I would.

I was lost in my thoughts to be bothered by the rude comments. I turned to where she was seated an hour ago and saw her scarf. I picked it up and brought it close to my face.

Fuck she smells so heavenly.

“Breanna... Breanna...”

Dang it!

I groaned in frustration.

“What are you doing Aiden?”



Oh, it's so good to see you again Brucey!” I heard my aunt Eliza; mom's elder sister and mother of Maud and Gregor, say to Dad as I came down the stairs.

“You have guests?” Megan asked over the phone.

“Mmhm. Apparently, Aubree thought it wise to plan a homecoming dinner for the entire family.”

She chuckled.

“This place looks like a madhouse right now.”

“Hey c'mon. It can't be that bad.”

“Meg, Roman, and I need peace and quiet. Not some nasty old family feud rekindled.”

“Okay just calm down alright? I'm sure it's not going to end in a crisis” she assured.

“Or with somebody in a hospital,” I murmured. “I'm done with that place.”

“Oh, Lucille!” Aunt Eliza cried upon seeing me.

Take note; that aunt who preferred your stupid middle name to the name everyone else normally called you.

I smiled at her.

“Sorry Megan but I have to go. We'll talk later” I said between the forced smile.

“Good luck. And give Roman a big hug for me.”

“I will. Thanks for checking up.”

“You're welcome.”

She hung up and I clicked my tongue, simultaneously tapping on the cover of my phone.

“Look at you; such a beauty. Come hug me!” Aunt Eliza's voice cut through the silence.

I looked at her and she was talking to me. I smiled. She hadn't lost her Asian look at all. Mom's mom; my grandmother, was Asian and her dad was American. Aunt Eliza has much of the Asian genes while Mom has the all-around American gene. Their youngest sister Thea got part of both genes.

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