✽ 40

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I could hear the sound of my alarm, but I could barely focus on it. I reached out, not knowing where my phone would be, and patted every surface until I found it and pressed a button, silencing the alarm.

Groaning audibly, I sighed.


There was no response. I moved my hands around the bed again and it was only cold air I felt.

Why's the side of my bed empty?


My eyes flew open and I looked around me. I was alone, in my bed. I looked around again. Slowly, the previous night came back to me in flashes and an equally slow, but perfectly contented smile came over me.


I had done it.


The events of the previous night flooded my mind in flashes and I couldn't help, but smile and bite my lip in reminiscence of the excitement.

“God” I muttered excitedly and brought my covers over my head even though there was no one to see my teenage smile.

But why'd he leave just like that?

Getting out of bed, I shuffled into the bathroom brushed my teeth, and took my bath. Just as I was about to get dressed, my phone rang. I clasped on my bra, slipped on a tank top, and moved to pick up my phone from the dresser.

“Hi, Daddy!” I chirped when I accepted the call, looking around for my charger.


My head snapped up to my phone's screen and I glanced at the alarm clock on my nightstand.

“What are you still doing at home at this time, Roman?” I asked.

He winched a little and looked sleepily at me through the phone.

“Bruce! I thought we agreed on not worrying our daughter?!” my mother scolded, quickly moving towards Roman as he lay quietly in my bed.


“Mom, what's going on?” I asked, panic slowly setting in.

“Nothing sweetheart. He's fine” She peered through the phone and offered me a reassuring smile. “Bruce! Get in here!”

“Fine? Look at him, Mom. Not one smile. And why does he sound like that?”

“Mommy...” Roman dragged again.

I furrowed my brows.

“Mom, please say something.”

“He's fine Breanna, don't worry.”

“I'm not Mommy” Roman whimpered and closed his eyes.

My heart skipped.

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