First encounter

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[Monkatsu] It seems you know about Ningenmen, oh well, it doesn't save you any trouble.

Muigetsu and Kairo got their heads straight, they focused Koseishi in their swords and prepared to fight.

[Monkatsu] *in his head* I see, they have one of those. This could go wrong if I don't play this right.

Monkatsu dashed with speed, as light as a feather, Muigetsu and Kairo didn't see or hear when he dashed and they both got slammed into their house walls. Monkatsu dashed back and punched the air, sending pressurized swirls of wind at Kairo and Muigetsu. They dodged them and ran towards Monkatsu. They used Koseishi on their swords and started attacking. Monkatsu was fast, really fast. He dodged Muigetsu's three slice combo along with Kairo's and kicked them both away. sending them flying in opposite directions.

[Monkatsu] *laughing* Do you know how to wield a sword? You two are pathetic.

[Kairo] *pissed* Damn you! *in his head* He's fast, we can barely anticipate his attacks while we use Koseishi on our swords. We'll have to activate Shūchū.

[both] Koseishi! Shūchū!

Monkatsu went after them, this time, Kairo and Muigetsu could see his attacks. Kairo was able to evade his strike attempts and he saw an opening. He clenched onto his sword and sliced up. Even though Monkatsu dodged, a wound opened up on his chest.

[Muigetsu] *in his head* Way to go Kairo! But it's going to take more than that to take him down. I can feel it, I'm slowing down and I'm getting tired.

[Monkatsu] *in his head* That power, it's troublesome. I'll just have to go to the next stage.

[Kairo] *in his head* We can't use much Koseishi, but we have to do something.

[Monkatsu] Ningenmento Kaze! Odayakana mori!

Monkatsu vanished, leaving tree leaves behind. He sprung up from behind Kairo and Muigetsu and spin kicked them away. He punched the ground with a barrage of punches and used his wind Ningenmento to float the pieces of rock. Monkatsu rode the breeze of wind and floated towards Kairo and Muigetsu.

[Monkatsu] Ningenmento Kaze! U~indosurappu

A giant gust of wind and rock struck Kairo and Muigetsu so violently and fast, they couldn't dodge it. It felt like they jumped from the sky with no parachute and slammed against the ocean. They were blasted away. Monkatsu raised his arm up and another strike came from below. Kairo and Muigetsu held up their arms to block, but it broke through it and sent them farther up into the air. He disappeared from below and appeared above them.

[Monkatsu] Ningenmento Kaze. Saikuronburasuto.

Monkatsu slammed his feet down and a giant cyclone of wind appeared. It sucked up Muigetsu and Kairo and they spun around it. Monkatsu closed his hands together and the cyclone collapsed, then exploded. Kairo and Muigetsu crashed into the ground. They had broken ribs and fractured fingers along with a concussion.

[Monkatsu] This isn't some place for little boys to play around. The only way to teach you that is death.

[Kairo] *in pain* *in his head* Shit! I wish I could just fight him normally, but I can't use Koseishi physically, I can only wield it with my sword outside my body. What can I do?

Monkatsu was walking over to Kairo and Muigetsu.

[Muigetsu] *in pain* *in his head* If we don't do something now, he'll kill us. I don't have much strength left, my body feels heavy. But we can't afford to lose now.


[Kinoshiba] No one can hear your screams, they're all dead.

[both] *screaming* Don't kill us!

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