Divine Power

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Kaigo city - Yokeitanto vs. Yinji

[Yinji] So, you're here to kill me?

[Yokeitanto] There would be no other reason for me to be here.

Yokeitanto drew his sword and held it in front of him.

[Yinji] I don't wanna fight here, the city is far too populated for me. I wouldn't want anyone to get in the way, you know?

[Yokeitanto] I won't let you leave from here.

[Yinji] I see...

Yinji took his sunglasses off and threw them. The expression on his face got serious as he gazed upon Yokeitanto.

[Yinji] Don't blame me if some civilians die.

Yokeitanto darted forward, extending his sword forward and slicing. Yinji easily dodged, barely even moving from his position. Yokeitanto continued to pressure Yinji.

[Yokeitanto] Why are you getting in the way of our assassinations?

[Yinji] This is my city you see, assassins of any sort aren't welcome in my presence. Especially not those of your caliber.

Yokeitanto lunged forward and sliced down. Yinji dodged the strike, he then spun around and kicked Yokeitanto. Yokeitanto held up his arms to block but he still slid back from the force. The civilians around started panicking and running around.

[Yinji] See what we started?

[Yokeitanto] Not my problem, my only focus is ensuring I eliminate you for good.

[Yinji] Heh, If you can even do so. Seems to me like you're another one of those weaklings.

[Yokeitanto] Insulting me or my comrades will not provoke me.

Yokeitanto dashed forward and started slicing his sword. They traded blows with each other, however, their strikes failed to reach. Yinji dodged Yokeitanto's poke strike and he struck forth with his fist. Yokeitanto blocked the strike and came back with another slice. Yinji easily evaded it and came back with another kick. Yokeitanto dashed back and got in a stance. He held his sword up and got in a low stance. He blasted forward, leaving afterimages behind him.

[Yinji] Hmmf! You're slow...

Yinji completely disappeared from Yokeitanto's sight. He appeared behind him with a kick. Quick to react, Yokeitanto turned around, however, he was already gone. He struck Yokeitanto right in the face with his fist, causing him to shoot back into a building.

[Yokeitanto] *in his head* He's strong.

Yokeitanto got up and lunged forward out of the building he just crashed into. He extended his sword and sliced. Yinji dashed to the side and flipped back. Yokeitanto continued to attack and did not stop, not even for a second. Yinji continued to dodge Yokeitanto's strikes and come back with hard punches and kicks. They both dashed back and stood there for seconds.

[Yinji] You won't beat me like that.

[Yokeitanto] I guess I'll have to get serious then.

Yokeitanto sheathed his sword and took off his samurai armor. When it hit the ground it caused the ground to cave in and crack below.

[Yinji] *surprised* Oh? That's really heavy you know?

[Yokeitanto] I rarely ever take it off, but I see now if I limit myself I won't be able to beat you.

Yokeitanto flashed in front of Yinji and sliced. Yinji was shocked and he hadn't seen him move, he quickly tried to react by moving his head but the poke strike still grazed his cheek causing a wound to open up. He quickly dashed back and took a stance.

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