Ready for War

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Saikyō minka

Jouzen and Reina walked inside the Minka and Ryou along with Diji was waiting for them.

[Diji] So, did you get it?

Jouzen tossed Diji the crystal.

[Diji] Good...

[Reina] Jouzen finished that guy as well. We shouldn't have problems with the black dragons anymore.

[Diji] Ōtatsu's dead?

[Jouzen] Yep, he was too stubborn.

[Diji] He should've known better.

[Jouzen] He caught me off guard for a second so I had to release, but I finished him.

[Diji] At least you aren't dead. We have more coming our way, sooner or later they'll plan to strike.

[Jouzen] Do you know when?
[Diji] No, all I know is that the other clans have been plotting against us and they've formed some kind of alliance.

[Jouzen] Did you get any word from our allies?

Diji clenched his fist in frustration.

[Diji] They were eliminated.

[Jouzen] *shocked* What?!

[Diji] The Yajū's were wiped out recently by our enemies. They're stronger than ever since they've created that alliance. The Akaguroi Kemono, Kōtta akuma, Kogane no ōkami, and lastly...our own people, the Tensou.

[Jouzen] So even they have chosen to side with them.

[Ryou] We're total outcasts now. Even our own clan fears the power we have, so they want to get rid of us.

[Diji] Listen to me very carefully, in the event of war, you mustn't spare anyone and you mustn't worry about anyone. In the event that one of us perishes, we mustn't worry. You must keep going. Always remember, we were born different from the rest. Our powers were gifted to us but they are also a curse. Through death we must prevail, even if that means our own.


It was a secluded place, leaders from the opposing clans were all gathered together, but they could not be visibly seen. They talked and discussed with one another.

[Kogane] You're alright with this? Mr. Tensou?

[Tensou] Those four are imbalances in this world, they must be dealt with.

[Akaguroi] But they are from your clan, isn't that concerning to you?

[Tensou] They only bring trouble and shame to the Tensou. Their actions have proven worse rather than better for us. It would be better if they were gone.

[Kogane] Understood, just making sure you were alright.

[Tensou] I wouldn't have decided to go through with this if I weren't.

The Saikyō minka

As the four were exclaiming inside, they heard knocks on the door behind them. Jouzen quickly got up and walked towards the door, sensing who they were.

[Jouzen] It's the Tensou.

[Ryou] Don't open it.

[Diji] No, go ahead Jouzen, open it.

When Jouzen opened the door, there was a group of Tensou and a couple others standing outside the door.

[Jouzen] Have you come here to-

[???] No, we aren't here for trouble!

[Diji] Come in.

One of the Tensou came running through the crowd shouting.

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