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Muigetsu and Kairo woke up for school. They put on their uniforms and grabbed their things as usual. They prepared to go to school and this time they ran the whole way and made it there by 7. They were extra early and just waited at the entrance. A student ran up to them.

[Saisaki] *heavy breathing* Oh, you two are here pretty early? You're the new students right?

[Muigetsu] Yeah.

[Saisaki] So, you walk here or something?

[Muigetsu] Well, we ran today but yeah technically.

[Saisaki] How far is your home from here?

[Muigetsu] About ten miles.

[Saisaki] *shocked* Ten miles?! Are you serious?!

[Kairo] Yeah, it's not that bad though, extra exercise is good anyway.

[Saisaki] That's impressive, my house is only like a mile from here, not really that far away. My name is Saisaki.

[Muigetsu] I'm Muigetsu, nice to meet you Saisaki.

[Kairo] I'm Kairo, nice to meet you.

[Saisaki] So, how is Monkai academy?

[Muigetsu] It's fine, aside from all the crazy things that can happen in my first period.

[Saisaki] Who's your first period?

[Muigetsu] His name is Waruena I think.

[Saisaki] *gulp* Yeah, he's pretty crazy. That's what everyone says at least, I don't think he's that bad. Besides, there's a lot of crazy stuff that happens here besides in his class. I hope you like it here nonetheless. Did you hear what was going on today?

[Muigetsu] No, what's going on?

[Saisaki] A fight is going to happen today.

[Kairo] A fight? Between who?!

[Saisaki] Two students named Zeno and Taizuchi.

[Kairo] Wait, we know those two.

[Muigetsu] Yeah, we take MKSA together.

[Saisaki] Oh, well you know that Taizuchi is one of the strongest in the academy right?

[Kairo] Yeah, he's top of the class in MKSA and we had to fight him when we first came here. It didn't end well.

[Muigetsu] Yeah, we lost pretty bad.

[Saisaki] Well, no matter. They're both really strong. Zeno challenged Taizuchi, they're rivals, they've been rivals for a while. Zeno wants to take Taizuchi's spot as the strongest, so he's been working hard this year at Monkai. Most fights here are regulated by the school.

[Both] WHAAT?!

[Muigetsu] You can't be serious!

[Kairo] Fights regulated by the school?! That can't be true!

[Saisaki] Oh it is, there's many every year. Even between teachers. A student can even challenge a teacher to a duel as well as a teacher can challenge a teacher to a duel. However, most teachers here are strong, it would take one hell of a student to beat one. Since there is a fight scheduled today, the school schedule will be shortened. It will happen this afternoon at 2:00.

[Kairo] I can't wait to see it!

MKSA - Second period

[Zeno] I'm looking forward to fighting you this afternoon, I'll finally take your spot here and have my name spread throughout Monkai.

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