New Regimen

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A day later

Yokeitanto woke up Kairo and Muigetsu at 5 A.M.

[Yokeitanto] Get up you two...

[Kairo] *confused* whaa?! It's way too early! It's not even 6 A.m.!

[Muigetsu] I still haven't recovered from yesterday!


Kairo and Muigetsu were on the ground doing push ups.

[Both] *panting* Three hundred thirty-eight. Three hundred thirty-nine. Three hundred forty.

[Yokeitanto] I can't hear you. Speak up.

[Both] *panting* *struggling* Three hundred forty-one! Three hundred forty-two!

A little while after

They were running through the grass plains, trying to keep up with Yokeitanto.

[Yokeitanto] Don't lose me now! Keep up!

[Muigetsu] *panting from exhaustion* I'm...trying!

A little while after

Kairo and Muigetsu were fighting Yokeitanto using only hand combat. He was hitting them in the ribs, stomach, liver, etc. And he threw devastating kicks at their temple.

[Yokeitanto] You have to do better than that! Come on!

Present day

[Yokeitanto] That doesn't matter, get up, it's time to train. We're starting early today.

[Both] Hmm!

A couple of minutes later

Yokeitanto had led them somewhere. It was a giant area with nothing in sight to see, only grass. It was beyond the plains, and there were no trees. Yokeitanto held something in a jar that he had covered up.

[Yokeitanto] Now, here's your task for today.

Yokeitanto uncovered the jar and revealed what was inside. It appeared to be an ordinary fly inside it.

[Kairo] *confused* Huh?

[Yokeitanto] Your goal here today is to slice this fly. Once you've done so, you'll be complete. Make sure not to lose track of it, and your abilities are off limits. If I catch you using it, it'll be even worse today.

Kairo and Muigetsu were spooked a bit.

[Muigetsu] How is this going to help us?!

[Yokeitanto] Don't question me. Now, begin.

Yokeitanto let the fly out and it began darting away. Kairo and Muigetsu immediately lost track of it. They looked around and couldn't see it anywhere.

[Yokeitanto] *sigh* Hurry up! Find it!

Kairo and Muigetsu looked around but they couldn't see anything.

[Muigetsu] *in his head* forget this! He won't know!

Muigetsu used Shūchū to locate the fly. He noticed it and rushed over to it, then, Yokeitanto flashed in front of him. He kicked Muigetsu in the stomach, sending him flying back.

[Kairo] *yelling* Muigetsu!

[Yokeitanto] Focus on the task! I told you not to use your ability!

[Muigetsu] *in shock* H-how did you know?!
[Yokeitanto] Get back up and go!

Kairo rushed after the fly but it was incredibly fast. Muigetsu shortly caught up with him and they started swinging their swords at the fly, however, none of their strikes managed to land.

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