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That same night

Maki was having thoughts while he was in the shower.

[Maki] *upset* Damnit! Why does this have to be happening?

Yuki knocked on the bathroom door.

[Yuki] Excuse me, I have your clothes. You don't have to rush; they're outside the door.

Maki stopped the shower and stepped out. He grabbed the towel off of the sink and dried himself off. He scruffed up his hair a bit and wrapped the towel around him. He took a deep breath and then looked up into the mirror. Fear entered his body as he saw another figure in the mirror standing behind him, Sai, looking straight at him. He quickly dropped and started to scream. He began to panic and breathe rapidly. The couple quickly rushed to the door, worried about him.

[Hiro] *worried* Hey! What's the matter?! Are you alright?!

Maki looked behind him and noticed nothing was there. He quickly stood back up and looked into the mirror to find that Sai wasn't there anymore and it was just his imagination.

[Maki] *in distress* What's going on?!

The couple opened the door and saw Maki in fear, shaking and breathing unsteadily.

[Hiro] Calm down! It's alright!

Maki began to calm down and his breathing became steady. He walked forward and grabbed the clothes on the floor and grabbed onto the door.

[Maki] *calmly* Sorry, I'm fine. I didn't mean to startle you like that, I overreacted over something.

Maki closed the door and slowly sat down behind it as he began to shower himself with tears. The couple walked back to the kitchen and began to prepare a meal.

[Yuki] I'm worried, I wonder what happened to him.

[Hiro] Just leave him be for now, the least we can do is comfort him, we don't want to just invade his space.

[Yuki] Okay honey.

They filled the plates up with food and placed them onto the table. It looked delicious, it was a well done curry dish. A little while after, Maki came out of the bathroom wearing the clothing he was given. It was a little big on him but better than nothing. He sat down at the table and waited for the couple to get seated. They sat down at the table and prepared to eat.

[Yuki] Let's eat shall we?

[Hiro] Yes!

Maki lifted up his spoon and scooped up some rice and curry. He gave it a try and it was surprisingly good.

[Maki] This is good.

[Yuki] Well thank you! We tried our best.

[Hiro] So, are you okay to talk? Would you mind telling us what happened to you?

Maki hesitated for a moment, but he began to exclaim what happened.

[Maki] I don't really know how it even came to this...I don't even know how I survived but, they're dead.

Maki dropped his spoon and he dropped his head to cover his face as he began to sniffle.

[Maki] *gloomy* They're dead, but I still see their faces. It's like they're coming back to haunt me for not listening!

[Yuki] Don't worry, it's alright.

[Maki] *gloomy* I wish I could just tell them I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen...I was given another chance at life while they lost their lives, all because of me. It should've been me, not them.

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