The Rematch VI: The True Battle Begins

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Kotaro v.s. Kairo and Muigetsu

Katoichi's body could be seen lying on the rock, Rintatsuchi's body could be seen on the ground, lifeless, with no life energy. Kotaro couldn't sense not a single bit inside of his body. Kairo and Muigetsu regrouped and now they were standing next to each other, preparing to face off against Kotaro.

[Kotaro] *annoyed* You bastards...

[Kairo] You're next.

[Kotaro] I should've killed you two from the start instead of playing around.

Kotaro clenched his fist in anger, causing his arm to shake.

[Kotaro] *serious* I'll kill you right where you stand.

Kairo and Muigetsu both began to sweat as Kotaro glanced at them. He was no longer in the mood to have fun, his kill switch was now activated. This entire time he had been fighting to test his ability, holding back all the while. Now, it wasn't time for that anymore.

[Kairo] *anxious* Muigetsu! Remember our training!

[Muigetsu] I know, we know how to counter hi-

In the blink of an eye, Kotaro, simply to put it, vanished into thin air. He disappeared from their sight, nowhere to be found. Kairo and Muigetsu were struck with shock at that moment and began to panic.

[Kairo] Huh?! Where did he go?!

[Muigetsu] N-no way! He just vanished!

Suddenly, he warped to the side of Muigetsu and placed his hand on his chest as Muigetsu turned.

[Kotaro] Kain...

A blue aura emitted out of Kotaro's palm and a blue symbol appeared on Muigetsu's chest that glowed then faded.

[Kotaro] Gyakuten no ken.

For a split second, everything inverted and Muigetsu had disappeared along with Kotaro. It was as if he were frozen in place and couldn't move.

[Muigetsu] My body won't...move!

Kotaro's fist slammed into Muigetsu's cheek and he was blasted away as everything went back to normal. He flew past Kairo who didn't even see the ignition of the attack and he quickly began to panic.

[Kairo] *panicking* What?! Huh?! When did he?!

Kairo quickly dashed back and began to brace himself. He prepared to attack, but what would soon to come would shatter his plan. Kotaro appeared in front of him and began to travel around him so fast that there were afterimages. It was speed that only they had seen from Yokeitanto, except, it was faster. Kairo had no way of countering it.

[Kairo] *very shocked* THAT'S I-IMPOSSIBLE!

Even with koseishi's total focus, it was no use. Kotaro appeared on both sides of Kairo and he couldn't decide on which way to dodge. He dashed back, but Kotaro appeared behind him and placed his hand on his back.

[Kotaro] Kain: Nijuuhanten.

Everything flashed white and the area around them inverted. Two versions of Kotaro could be seen in front and behind Kairo and he was frozen in place. They both attacked, barraging Kairo with combinations before kicking him away. He coughed up blood as he slid back, he quickly realized the nature of Kotaro's blows. He realized now that there was no amount of training that could've prepared him for it.

[Kairo] *in pain* *in his mind* What the hell is that strength?! Every's like my insides are being ripped apart! How did Muigetsu last against this guy?!

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