Further Advancements

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[Kinoshia] I accept your terms.

Kyutaro looked over at Kinoshiba in shock.

[Kyutaro] It can't be...

[Yinji] Very well, I'll work with you. But if you break any one of those conditions, this is done...

Yinji was walking out and then looked back at Kinoshiba.

[Yinji] And I'll kill you.

Yinji walked out of the office.

[Kinoshia] Wait a minute.

Yinji stopped walking and stood in place.

[Yinji] What is it?

[Kinoshiba] There's something I would like you to do before you leave.

[Yinji] Hurry, I have other business to be settled.

[Kinoshiba] One of my subordinates needs immediate attention. The only thing that can save him is you. I need you to manipulate the blood crystal and cure him.

[Yinji] And how am I going to do that? You know fully what is required.

[Kinoshiba] Don't worry, we already have that.

Yinji turned around and looked at Kinoshiba.

[Kinoshiba] Don't worry, they were criminals, not innocents. One of our new recruits went out and gathered them for me. You can check the local news, five criminals, all went missing. We have their remains here.

[Yinji] That works.

A little while later

Kotaro was lying on the ground, hardly able to breathe.

[Kinoshiba] You ready?

[Yinji] Get it started.

Kinoshiba grabbed a head out of the freezer inside the room they were in and placed it on the ground. He held his palm out and a red aura coated it then the crystal emerged. He handed it over to Yinji. Yinji closed his eyes and held the crystal forward.

[Yinji] Kain...

Yinji let go of the crystal and it began to float. He faced his palm towards it and his aura coated both his hand and the crystal.

[Yinji] Ten'nokusari

Gold and white chains restrained the crystal in place. The crystal began emitting light and it shot out of the crystal. The head under the crystal floated up and started to melt. The crystal absorbed it and turned red. A dark aura started to spiral out of it. The stench of death filled the room and the crystal began to crackle and shake.

[Kinoshiba] Can you handle it?

[Yinji] Quiet, I'm trying to control it.

One chain shattered off of the crystal and disintegrated.

[Yinji] Damnit!

Yinji held his other hand out and emitted his aura.

[Yinji] Ten'nokusari!

Two chains shot out of the wall and connected onto the crystal spiraling out of control.

[Yinji] Modoru!

The chains connecting the crystal and the wall shot into his palms and connected. He channeled his energy into the crystal from the chains and it coated the crystal once more.

[Yinji] YokuseI!

The aura around the crystal compressed into an orb. The chains were vaporized and the orb contained the crystal and its energy. Yinji dropped his hands and he had exhausted himself quite a bit. He started to breathe heavily and drip with sweat. He finally calmed down and waited.

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