We Meet Again

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A couple of days later - Somewhere in a constant snow

[Kotaro] So, are you ready now?

[Kyutaro] Of course. Do you still have that place marked with your ability?

[Kotaro] I've never not had it marked.

[Kyutaro] Perfect.

Kytaro stood next to Kotaro.

[Kotaro] I'll let you know when I've found them

[Kyutaro] Great, while you go out and defeat those two, I'll proceed with what I have to do. I have business with Mikey and another assassin that is located in Tokyo currently.

Rintatsuchi walked into the room.

[Kotaro] You're finally here. Perfect, get close.

[Rintatsuchi] Are you sure about this?

[Kotaro] Never been more.

[Rintatsuchi] *sigh* Well, I guess there's no stopping you.

Rintatsuchi and Renaldo walked over and got close to Kotaro.

[Kotaro] Don't interfere until I'm ready.

[Rintatsuchi] I won't.

[Renaldo] Alright.

Kotaro kneeled on the ground and took a deep breath. He placed his palm on the ground and a blue pentagram appeared.


Kairo and Muigetsu were standing outside getting ready to train with Katoichi.

[Kairo] After a little bit of rest, I feel pretty good. I'm definitely ready for some training

All of a sudden Katoichi became uneasy. He broke out into a sweat and quickly got on guard.

[Muigetsu] *confused* Is something wrong? Katoichi, are you okay man?

Katoichi held his palm to the sky and a red aura emitted out of it.

[Katoichi] Genjitsu Gyakuten!

The sky flashed and everything around Katoichi faded away into white and the sky turned red. That's when he saw it, the person standing before him, hiding away. A bright blue aura covered his palm, the person kneeling before him was his brother, Kotaro Minyoubu.

[Katoichi] *shocked* *panicking* Gen ni modose!

Everything turned back to normal, Kairo and Muigetsu were standing there in confusion.

[Kairo] *confused* Katochi! What the hell is wrong with you?!

[Katoichi] *panicking* We have to go! Right now!

[Muigetsu] Why?! We were just about to train!

Katoichi held out his hands and flashed forward. He placed his hands on Kairo and Muigetsu's chest and aura flowed out of his palm.

[Katoichi] Kain!

Two red boxes of aura surrounded Kairo and Muigetsu. They floated into the air and energy coated their bodies. Their bodies slowly started changing, they got younger and their clothing shrunk. Kairo's hair poofed everywhere and it covered his eyes while Muigetsu's hair got extremely short. While the process was going on, their energy was also concealed and their weapons became that of toys. Even so, this was all nothing but a visual change, they had still remained the same as before. Blood dripped out of Katoichi's nose but he quickly wiped it off very swiftly. He raised his hand into the air and he was struck down by a red aura out of the sky. His body then also began to change and he aged older, concealing his energy as well. They were almost unrecognizable in their state.

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