The Preparations: The truth

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A couple of days later - somewhere in a constant snow

There was a hatch, somewhere in the ground that was covered up by the snow on the ground. On the inside, it was almost like a lab. Multiple different rooms, iron doors, thick stone walls. In a specific room down the hallway all the way to the back, was empty and locked away behind a thick, durable, iron door. Kyutaro and Kotaro were talking inside the room, talking and having a conversation.

[Kotaro] So, this is the place?

[Kyutaro] Yes, this is where he wants them. You have them marked right?

[Kotaro] Yes, I'll transport them to that back wall over there.

Kotaro held out his hands and faced his palms towards the wall. Two blue pentagrams appeared on the cold stone floor and the two cases that contained the sacred clothes found inside Katoichi's mansion arose from them.

[Kyutaro] Wow, nice.

[Kotaro] Is that all? If so, I'll be on my way.

[Kyutaro] Wait...

Kyutaro's expression became serious.

Meanwhile - at Katoichi's mansion

Kairo and Muigetsu were full of sweat and out of breath.

[Kairo] *panting* Can we...Take a break?!

[Katoichi] You still need more work. Until you get to the level where you need to be, then you can have all the breaks you want. You're unable to dodge my attacks despite me being in a weakened state. My brother Kotaro will be a whole different story, he's not as weakened as I am. You need to work on your dodging. Now, since you failed to complete the reps again today, knock out those squats.

Kairo dropped to the ground from exhaustion and groaned audibly.

Somewhere in a constant snow - Inside the bunker

Kyutaro was talking to Kotaro inside the room they were just in.

[Kotaro] So you're telling me you've had their location all this time?

[Kyutaro] Yes, I've always known where they were.

[Kotaro] How long have you exactly known their whereabouts?

[Kyutaro] Ever since the Monkai raid, when I first encountered them. I used my ability on them. I've been monitoring their vitals, their location, and their bodily changes. I've been sending my energy throughout their body, creating electrical shocks that I can use to feel exactly what's been going on with their bodies.

[Kotaro] If you knew where they were for that long, why didn't you tell me anything? We could've easily gotten the jump on them and defeated them if that was the case.

Kyutaro took a deep breath and exhaled.

[Kyutaro] You don't understand what's been going on. After the Monkai raid, they went to what seemed like the mountains. I noticed another presence in the area and I quickly figured out who it was. Yokeitanto Itamori, the same guy that managed to injure Yinji. If any of us would've gone there in our current state, he'd wipe us out instantly. His strength is on a whole different level than ours. With just one blow, he nearly killed me. If Yinji didn't heal me, I would've died. You were severely weakened and sick, there's nothing you could have possibly done against him.

[Kotaro] What about now? If I were to go face to face with him?

[Kyutaro] You'd still lose without a doubt. His speed surpasses the human eye and he's from the Itamori organization which is where your clan resides. He knows all about your ability and how to counter it, you wouldn't be able to track him, nor place your Kain on him. He also possesses a very destructive power, the manipulation of one's soul. There was also another thing that I realized and feared today...

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