The final test

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In the grass plains

Kairo and Muigetsu were facing off against Yokeitanto. They had their swords drawn and they stood firmly on the ground.

[Yokeitanto] Don't hold back, treat this like I am your enemy. You will surely perish this time if you do. I won't go easy on you at all. Be prepared to die in this fight.

Muigetsu and Kairo began to sweat, however, they kept their cool.

[Yokeitanto] Here I come.

Yokeitanto came darting forward at high speeds. Kairo and Muigetsu nearly lost track of him. He threw a poke strike to Kairo's head that he dodged by tilting his head. Kairo jumped back and held his sword in front of him.

[Kairo] *in his head* I didn't even see him. He's fast, way faster than the first time we faced him. However, I'll keep my cool and observe his moves.

Yokeitanto flashed behind Kairo and struck. He sliced his shoulder and immediately went for a slice to his knee. Kairo quickly turned around and dashed back. Muigetsu came dashing in and clashed with Yokeitanto.

[Kairo] *in his head* I can't track him! He's too fast!

[Muigetsu] *in his head* It's hard to even predict his movements.

Yokeitanto flashed in front of Kairo once again, however, Kairo managed to parry his strike. He attempted to slice Yokeitanto across his torso but he flashed away once again. This time, Muigetsu and Kairo came charging in from both sides. They split and ran in different directions and rushed to Yokeitanto. Kairo sprung into the air and proceeded to slam his blade onto Yokeitanto, but he held up his sword with one hand and blocked Kairo's attack. Muigetsu came rushing in behind him, trying to attack him while he was focused on Kairo. This would not work as Yokeitanto quickly spun around, kicking Muigetsu away. Kairo raised his sword to strike, but was immediately shut down with another spinning kick that sent them both sliding in opposite directions.

[Muigetsu] *in his head* I can't find a single opening. We have to do something.

Kairo lunged towards Yokeitanto, extending his sword, but he was deflected. Muigetsu came dashing once again from behind.

[Muigetsu] Sasu kiba!

Muigetsu did a barrage of poke strikes, Yokeitanto flashed out of his view and made his way back. Kairo quickly turned around and located him. He rushed forward and spun around. He extended his leg to kick Yokeitanto but it was blocked with ease. Kairo struck down with his sword and he and Yokeitanto clashed. They began to trade blows before Kairo was sent flying back with a kick. Muigetsu came forth and struck with good form, however, Yokeitanto easily evaded the strikes. He struck down and sliced Muigetsu on the shoulder before kicking him away.

[Muigetsu] *in his head* Shit! We haven't even landed a single blow on him yet!

[Yokeitanto] You're gonna have to do better than that if you want to strike me.

[Muigetsu] I'm not finished yet! Chi no hebi!

A snake made of koseishi shot out of his blade. Yokeitanto sliced and dispersed the energy. He flashed in front of Muigetsu and struck, slicing his chest. Muigetsu held onto it and dashed back. Yokeitanto rushed forward and followed him before being stopped in his tracks by Kairo.

[Muigetsu] *in his head* What should I do?! Should I use it now?!


Muigetsu was on all fours, his blade had flung out of his hands, his glasses flew off of his face, and his fingers wouldn't stop twitching. He was coughing a lot and blood dripped from his nose and ears. He couldn't stop shaking and it wasn't from the cold.

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