The Aftermath

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After the attack commenced that destroyed the academy, not many were left standing. Kyutaro had already fled the scene and he left no trace of where he had gone. Students who were still standing were not in any good condition and the ones who were on the ground were either dead or severely injured. Amongst those, were Kairo and Muigetsu. Muigetsu was lying on the ground out cold, injured badly. His glasses were shattered and flung off of his face. He regained consciousness and looked around, not being able to move. He stuck his hand out and looked at it, his vision was blurry and his mind was hazy. He looked ahead of him and his chest caved in. He choked on his own spit and reached for who was in front of him, but he couldn't reach him.

[Muigetsu] *in shock* Kairo!

He tried to yell his name, but his voice could not be heard. He didn't have the strength to even make a sound. He tried to get up but couldn't get back to his feet. His head was aching and he was fighting hard to stay awake.

[Muigetsu] *in his head* Shit man! I gotta get up or Kairo could die!

He mustered every last bit of energy he could and stumbled back up to his feet. He limped his way over to Kairo, moving like a zombie. His body leaked with blood from his head and his posture was destroyed from the attack.

[Muigetsu] *in pain *struggling* Don't...worry- I'm coming...Kairo!

Hokuto still stood up, even after the attack. He was protected by Kyutaro during the initiation of his attack. Sasaki was injured and broke his arm, he held onto it as he limped towards the wall for assistance. Muigetsu looked behind him and noticed Hokuto, who was charging after Sasaki.

[Hokuto] *chuckling* Well, looks like I'll take out this one and I'll be one my way. I don't want to leave more trouble behind here.

Hokuto dashed towards Sasaki. Sasaki quickly turned around but before he realized, Hokuto was standing in his face. He was shocked in the moment as his body froze. He didn't have time to react and closed his eyes, attempting to brace the attack.

[Hokuto] *chuckling* I got you now...boy!

Hokuto cocked his fist back and struck forward with great force, however, someone came dashing in. When Sasaki opened his eyes, Hokuto's forearm dropped to the floor.

[Sasaki] *in shock* W-what?!

Muigetsu sheathed his blade and dropped to the ground.

[Muigetsu] *in pain* You left your guard down, old fart. You should've been paying attention.

Muigetsu coughed up blood and spat it into his hand.

[Muigetsu] *in his head* Damnit! I can't be wasting time!

Muigetsu got up and rushed over to Kairo, meanwhile Sasaki punched Hokuto and he blasted away like a bullet.

[Muigetsu] *panting* Kairo! Are you alright?!

Muigetsu lost his balance and fell to the ground. He slid and rolled over, he quickly stood back up and limped over to Kairo, who was lying on the ground defenseless. As soon as he walked up to him, he felt a devilish presence with an unfamiliar face behind it. It creeped up on the back of his neck, giving him goosebumps. All of a sudden, he dropped to the ground beside Kairo and passed out.

A couple of hours later

Kairo and Muigetsu were in the hospital with Katoichi waiting by their side. Kairo was having a nightmare, causing him to break out in a sweat and shiver.

In Kairo's mind

Kairo, running away from something, something inhumane in a dark and deathly forest. A cloud of black smoke shot past him and a face bloomed out of it. It smiled creepily at Kairo and laughed.

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