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Tokachi couldn't keep up and every strike he threw didn't hit. Kairo dodged Tokachi's slice and uppercutted him in the ribs, taking the air out of him. He opened palmed him in the stomach, blasting him away.

[Tokachi] *in his head*!

He caught his balance and got back onto his feet. Before he knew it, Kairo was already charging him head on. Tokachi looked at him and noticed a glow in his eyes. Whenever he struck, Kairo dodged and reacted quickly. Kairo ducked Tokachi's slice attempt and sweep kicked him to the ground. Tokachi rolled and dashed back.

[Muigetsu] You good over there?

[Kairo] Of course, I'm fine.

Yokaku struggled to get up.

[Muigetsu] I would just sit and watch if I were you.

Kairo dashed forward and kicked Tokachi in the stomach, driving him into the school walls.

[Tokachi] *in pain* *in his head* What is this power?! I can't hit him!

[Kairo] Still standing are you?

Tokachi walked back outside, the school walls behind him were completely broken.

[Tokachi] I'll finish you, die!

Tokachi turned his sword and charged forward like a bull.

[Kairo] Too slow.

Kairo dodged Tokachi, he drew his sword from his holster and sliced. Tokachi dropped. He quickly got back up and dashed back.

[Tokachi] *heavy breathing* I won't lose!

[Kairo] It's over. Shi no danmaku, fōmu 2.

Kairo quickly drew his sword and dashed forward with intense speed and power while Koseishi built up in his sword. The ground shattered under his feet like glass as he propelled forward, and he struck with devastating slices. He did a diagonal slice, following an upward slice, poke strike, and downwards slice. Then he flipped his sword in his hand and turned it the other way he struck upwards, he planted his hand on the ground and flipped backwards and kicked him into the air. As they were going up into the air, Kairo sheathed his sword and punched him rapidly as fast and as hard as he could with a barrage of strikes.

[Kairo] Konagona ni kudakeru....

Kairo thrusted up into the air and cocked back his leg.

[Kairo] Konagona!

Kairo kicked Tokachi with great force. The air around them pressurized and Tokachi shot and crashed into the ground. The ground shattered and rumbled. Tokachi was knocked completely unconscious and was unable to move. Kairo dropped from the sky and landed. He dropped to the ground and passed out. The students went wild.

[Sasaki] Let's go! They did it!

Taizuchi was devastated at the sight. You could slowly see horns emerging from his skull, he walked away and went back into the building. Nurses carried Kairo, Tokachi, and Yokaku to be treated. When Kairo woke up, Muigetsu was sitting there waiting for him on his phone.

[Kairo] *yawning* Huh?

[Muigetsu] Finally awake?

[Kairo] Did we win?

Muigetsu had no reply.

[Kairo] Did we lose?!

[Muigetsu] *sigh* I'm sorry to say but- WE FUCKING WON!

[Kairo] YEAH!

Kairo started coughing and he could feel how sore his body was. He had wraps all over his torso and arm.

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