Chapter One: Becoming Jai Yuna

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Jai Mei is a 23-year-old woman with exceptional photographic memory and learning abilities. Once she grasped something for the first time, she rarely forgot it.

Using these skills to her advantage, she built a successful and satisfying life for herself. Getting home from work she parks in the community garage and was walking back to her apartment when suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her chest. She stumbled and fell to the ground, struggling to breathe.

Passersby rushed to her aid and called an ambulance, but it was too late. Jai Mei had suffered a heart attack and passed away.

There could be various reasons why Jai Mei had a heart attack at a young age. Some possible factors could be family history of heart disease, poor diet, lack of exercise, stress, smoking, drug use, or underlying medical conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

It's important to note that heart attacks can happen to anyone, regardless of age, so it's crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle and regularly visit a doctor for check-ups.

As her spirit drifted away, she felt disoriented and confused. Suddenly, she felt a strong pull and found herself traveling through a bright tunnel. When she emerged on the other side, Jai Mei found herself in a completely different place.

Jai Yuna's Timeline

Jai Yuna stumbled along the dirt path, her vision blurry from too much rice wine. She had spent the last few hours drowning her sorrows, her mind consumed with regrets over her wasted life. She was the laughingstock of the village, a woman who had let her temper get the best of her one too many times. Her husbands and her best friend had long given up on her, and she didn't blame them.

As Jai Yuna stumbled towards the lake, she didn't notice the rocks and roots that obstructed her path. She tripped and fell into the water, causing her to thrash around to keep her head above the water. However, her efforts were in vain as water entered her lungs, burning and causing her to sink rapidly. her life coming to an end as she sunk to the bottom.

"Jai Yuna," the voice boomed, "you have not lived the life you were meant to live. You have lost your way and lost yourself. Your anger and pride have blinded you to the world's beauty. But there is hope."

Jai Yuna was stunned. She had never heard a voice like this before, so commanding and yet so comforting.

"Who are you?" she called out.

That was when she saw Him, a radiant figure standing on the water's surface, his face illuminated by a halo of light.

"I am God," the voice replied. "And I have a proposition for you. I will send someone to take your place in this world, to live your life as it should be lived. And in return, you must give up your body and allow this person to have your life."

Jai Yuna was confused. What did this mean? And who would this person be?

"Who will you send?" she asked.

"Her name is Jai Mei," God replied. "She was a woman of great kindness and wisdom, who lived in a different century. But she died suddenly from a heart attack, before she could fulfill her destiny.

Now, I am giving her a second chance, through you to fulfill your destiny, to make right the wrongs you have done. Will you accept this offer? or will you simply just pass away as is? as he flashed her whole life in front of her.

Jai Yuna felt a surge of regret and shame as she saw her life play out before her eyes. She realized that she had been living her life full of bitterness and in the wrong way, and that she had hurt those closest to her in the process. She looked up at the figure and nodded, tears streaming down her face.

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