Chapter Eight: Jai Mei's Preparation for the Apprenticeship

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Jai Mei woke up early in the morning, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness in her stomach. She had five days left and she was going to meet Doctor Liang Bo at his clinic and work towards becoming his apprentice.

She couldn't believe its almost been a month since she transmigrated. She got out of bed, careful not to wake up her husbands who were still asleep, and started getting ready for the day.

She put on her best clothes, a light blue tunic and black pants, and tied her hair up in a neat bun. Then, she went outside to check on the crops and feed the animals. The sun was just starting to rise, and the air was cool and fresh.

As she walked through the fields, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. The crops were growing well, the animals were healthy, and she had managed to catch the bandits who had been terrorizing the village. She had proven to herself and to the villagers that she was capable of great things.

After finishing her chores, she went back inside to make breakfast for her husbands. She fried some eggs, boiled rice, and brewed some tea. As she cooked, she thought about the upcoming meeting with Doctor Liang Bo.

"What if I'm not good enough?" she thought to herself.

But she quickly shook those thoughts out of her head. She had worked hard to prepare for this apprenticeship, studying and practicing every day. She was determined to show Doctor Liang Bo what she was capable of.

As Jai Mei sat at the table in her home, surrounded by stacks of medical texts, her husbands moved around her, going about their daily tasks. Shu Wang sat in a nearby chair, carefully embroidering a new design onto a piece of fabric, while Chun Wei worked outside in the fields, tending to their crops.

Jai Mei's focus was intense as she delved into the books, taking notes and practicing techniques on herself when she could. She knew that her apprenticeship with Doctor Liang Bo was fast approaching, and she wanted to be as prepared as possible.

Her husbands were supportive, but their skepticism still lingered. Jai Mei could feel their eyes on her as she worked, but she didn't let it deter her. She was determined to prove to them that she was a changed woman, that her past mistakes were just that - in the past.

"Jai Yuna, are you sure you don't need any help?" Liu Feng asked, looking up from his bookkeeping.

"I'm fine, thank you," Jai Mei replied . "Hao Zhang if you could bring me some of the tea leaves from the garden, that would be great. I want to practice making different blends and learn more about their benefits."

Hao Zhang nodded and headed out to the garden to gather some leaves. While he was outside, Chun Wei came in from the fields and asked, "How's the studying going?"

"It's going well," Jai Mei replied, looking up from her notes. "I'm learning a lot about basic first aid and remedies for common ailments. Did you know that certain teas can help with headaches and nausea?"

Chun Wei shook his head, intrigued. "No, I didn't. Maybe you can teach me more about that later."

"Of course," Jai Mei said with a smile. "And I also learned how to properly sanitize and bandage a wound. It's important knowledge for any healer to have."

Shu Wang looked up from his embroidery, "That's great, Jai Yuna. I'm glad you're learning so much."

Jai Mei nodded, "Thank you, Shu Wang. I want to make sure I'm as prepared as possible for my apprenticeship with Doctor Liang Bo. And who knows, maybe I'll be able to use some of this knowledge to help our villagers too."

Her husbands all nodded in agreement, thinking Jai Mei's determination and newfound passion for healing was good.
As the day wore on, Jai Mei's concentration never faltered. She knew that these next five days would be critical in determining her future, and she was determined to make the most of them.

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