Chapter Nineteen Jai Family Finally Flourishing II

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They woke up the next day, ate some cornmeal pancakes and pulled pork, and got prepared for the day.

Jai Mei said, "How much did we make by selling the produce to the villagers?"

Hao Zhang then turned to her and said "35 taels of silver in total. 25 tales of silver from the villagers for the catties of meat, they even bought the bucket water of intestines. 10 taels of silver for the eggs, herbs, and 3 chickens"

Jai Mei smiled and felt emotional. "We have a total of 140 taels of silver. We earned 25 taels from the craftsman, and 60 for the boar, and 10 for how to prep animals properly, and 10 for how I prepare teas!"

They were shocked and ecstatic they never touched or owned more than 20 taels of silver in their whole life 140 taels of silver was 5-6 years of a farmer's salary they couldn't believe that Jai Yuna was able to make so much money, provide for their family, and work on being a better person it was too good to be true!

Hao Zhang asked before he could catch it. "Who are you? How could you change so much? What's the catch?" The other husbands and Jai Mei tensed up.

Jai Mei felt a chill run through her as she asked, 'W-what are you talking about?'" It was as if a rope had snapped.

Hao Zhang's cold and guarded demeanor couldn't hold back his doubts any longer, as he spoke up in his typical blunt and direct manner. "You're too different," he said, his eyes narrowed as he studied her.

"You actually listen to us and take our opinions into consideration. You work hard and even try to learn more about us."

"It's like you're a completely different person now. But I know you're not. You still have the same mannerisms, birth mark, and use the same phrases. What are you plotting?" I don't care if you yell or hit me. Today, I don't care." What's going on with you? You're not the same person you used to be. What are plotting?!"

Jai Mei felt her heart pounding in her chest as Hao Zhang's words cut through the air like a knife. The other husbands tensed up, their eyes darting between Jai Mei and Hao Zhang, unsure of what to say or do. For they felt the same as Hao Zhang.

Jai Mei's mind raced as she tried to come up with a response, but she couldn't find the words. She knew that she couldn't tell them the truth about her transmigration, but she also couldn't continue to pretend like nothing was wrong.

Finally, after a long moment of silence, Jai Mei spoke up, her voice shaking slightly. "I... I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just trying to be a better person and make things right."

"You used to be harsh and ruthless, but now you're considerate and kind. It's like you're hiding something from us."
Hao Zhang said applying the pressure.

Jai Mei sighed and gestured for them to sit down, feeling the weight of the past and present pressing down on her. She knew that Jai Yuna had hurt them in the past, and the changes she was trying to make might not seem genuine to them.

Jai Mei took a deep breath and spoke from her heart. "I know I've abused you all in the past, and I understand that it's hard to believe that I'm trying to change. But I-I promise you, after my intervention with God when I fell in the lake, I regretted it all and realized that I needed to change and not just that I want to change."

She continued, "It's difficult for me because I'm not used to not getting what I want, and I was bitter about having to live within means I wasn't used to. I know that doesn't excuse my behavior, but I promise to try my best to be a better wife to all of you."

As Jai Mei's husband's listened to the words coming out of her mouth, they each had their own emotional struggles, with the abuse they had endured.

Hao Zhang, had always been quiet and cold towards Jai Yuna due to her past mistreatment. Despite his protective nature towards the others, he couldn't help but wonder if Jai Yuna's sudden change was genuine or if she was using them for her own gain.

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