Chapter Forty Two: Reflecting to Heal

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Trigger Warning ⚠️ Mental and Physical Abuse is prevalent in this chapter.

Please read at your discretion and take care and gauge your sensitivity to safeguard yourself. 💜

Story Below:

Jai Mei found herself in a state of desolation for approximately three days. During that time, she remained secluded in her room, sleeping, not eating, more than usual, napping throughout the day.

It was as if she were caught in a downward spiral, unable to pull herself out. A multitude of emotions overwhelmed her.

She yearned for her previous life—the familiarity of her family, friends, and the comforts of modern society—before she was thrust into the existence of Jai Yuna. Although grateful for the gift of life, she also experienced significant stress.

Why was she burdened with Jai Yuna's difficult life, surrounded by multiple husbands?

Why was Jai Yuna such an unpleasant, severely abusive person, with everyone against her and only one friend to rely on?

Why did Jai Mei have to assume the responsibility of cleaning up Jai Yuna's mess and endure feelings of worthlessness, inadequacy, and betrayal?

Why was she forced to face numerous challenges for a life she never asked for, but which had been placed upon her shoulders?

She had to continue to exhibit understanding, forgiveness, and composure in response to Jai Yuna's actions, even though they were not her own mistakes. Jai Mei felt herself breaking into a million pieces while laying in bed balled up.

Amidst Jai Mei's despair, God, who had been observing her state of anguish, permeated her room like a soothing current, immersing her in a calm-like state.

A comforting presence settled by the bedside, and a gentle hum enveloped her, calming every fiber of her being.

Was it God, the one who spoke to her in the forest, the giver of two boars, the force that brought her to this place? It seemed there could be no other explanation.

While immersed in the humming, Jai Mei sensed an embrace, as if her father held his precious baby girl.

A whimpering cry escaped her lips, "God, what am I doing here?"

God's voice echoed, "Heaven's will leads to one's rightful place. Reflect on the past to ease the hearts."

Her nerves, mind, and soul found solace, leaving her feeling light, liberated, and supported as she drifted off to sleep.

On the fourth day—The morning sun rose, casting a soft glow upon the village. Jai Mei, still feeling the weight of the previous night's revelations, stirred from her sleep. As she sat up on her bed, a mix of emotions flooded her heart. She couldn't shake off the heaviness that lingered within her, even as she faced a new day.

While her husbands were engaged in their daily duties, attending to the animals and clearing snow from the roof and walkways, Jai Mei found herself drawn to a moment of solitude.

She needed time to process the events of the previous night, to gather her thoughts, and find a sense of inner strength.

Leaving her room, Jai Mei made her way to the small backyard outside their house. The tranquility of the morning greeted her, the crisp air filling her lungs as she took in the surrounding beauty. She glanced at the animals in the barn, their contentment contrasting with the turmoil that had consumed her own heart.

Jai Mei walked to a secluded in the back of the house underneath an empty shed with a Beauty view. She lowered herself onto a weathered wooden bench, feeling the coolness against her palms. Her gaze wandered to the vast expanse of the snow-covered landscape, lost in deep contemplation.

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