Chapter Thirty Nine: Winter is here!

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In the midst of the winter preparations, Hao Zhang's successful hunt brought both food and materials for Jai Mei's various tasks.

Chun Wei took charge of caring for the goat, ensuring its well-being and utilizing its milk for the family.

Hao Zhang skillfully butchered the boar, saving the valuable animal fat for Jai Mei's soap-making endeavors. He also caught chickens and rabbits, selling some to the villagers while keeping the rest for their own sustenance.

As the household busied themselves, Jai Mei focused on fermenting food, harnessing the power of preservation to ensure they would have nourishment throughout the winter months.

Meanwhile, Liu Feng took on the responsibility of stocking the house with essential supplies, both indoors and outdoors. He also joined forces with Hao Zhang, helping him chop wood for the fireplaces, ensuring they would have sufficient warmth during the cold season.

Amidst the bustling activities, Shu Wang remained dedicated to his craft of making winter clothes for the family. With meticulous attention to detail, he carefully crafted warm garments that would shield them from the harsh elements.

Jai Mei made regular visits to Doctor Liang Bo, seeking his guidance and assistance in preparing cough syrup and medications to maintain the family's health during the winter. These visits also provided an opportunity for Jai Mei to express her gratitude to her mentor and seek his counsel on various matters.

As the snow began to fall, signaling the arrival of mid-October, the family braced themselves for the coming winter. They knew that they would be snowed in, venturing out only to remove snow from the pathway and the roof, as well as tending to the needs of the animals.

As the first snowfall blanketed the landscape outside, the family gathered in the warmth of their home. Jai Mei, still recovering from her injury, sat by the fireplace, her husbands attentively tending to her needs.

Hao Zhang, gently adjusting the blanket around Jai Yuna's shoulders, asked with genuine concern, "Are you feeling comfortable, Jai Yuna? Do you need anything?"

Jai Mei smiled appreciatively and replied, "Thank you, Hao Zhang. I'm feeling well  and taken care of."

Liu Feng, sitting close to her, added, "We want to make sure you heal properly, Jai Yuna. We're here to support you in any way we can. Please don't hesitate to let us know if you need anything."

Chun Wei, bringing a steaming bowl of soup for Jai Mei, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Jai Yuna. We'll make sure you have everything you need during your recovery."

Shu Wang, observing their interaction, chimed in, "Rest assured, Wife. We'll handle the household tasks and ensure your comfort. You've done so much for us, and now it's our turn to show our gratitude."

Jai Mei looked at her husbands, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you, all of you. Your care and understanding mean more to me than you can imagine.

As they settled by the window, watching the snowflakes cascade gently from the sky, Jai Mei couldn't help but comment, her voice filled with a mixture of wonder and reflection, "Look at the snow, how it blankets the world in its purity. It's as if the winter is giving us a chance for a fresh start, just like we're giving each other a chance to heal and grow."

Her husbands nodded, their expressions thoughtful. The crackling fire warmed their hearts and bodies, and the comfortable surroundings reminded them of the life they now had.

The husbands glanced around the room, taking in the cozy ambiance and the dogs curled up by the hearth thinking to themselves. "We've never experienced a winter like this before, with warmth, comfort, and the love and care of our family. It's a stark contrast to our past, Jai Yuna's transformation has brought about a remarkable change, not only in her but in all of us.

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