Chapter Sixty Nine: Four Cornered Bricks

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Jai Mei, tucked under the covers, struggled to calm her racing heart. Memories of their recent entanglement clung to her mind vividly—Liu Feng's deep blue eyes locking with hers, their accidental soft kisses, and the expressions on their faces just moment ago were overwhelming her thoughts.

She felt a surge of giddiness, buoyed by their confessions of finding her attractive and the noticeable improvement in them getting along better.

But then, she mentally checked herself, tempering her excitement with a dose of reality. So what if they find me attractive? That doesn’t mean they like me or could love me. We aren’t that kind of family. Yet, her thoughts kept toggling between clear-headedness and a fluttering heart.

Muttering a mantra internally, she tried to ground herself: This is not that, it was just an accident, don’t read too much into it.

She sighed deeply: Why did God surround me with such beauties and make them my husbands if I can't have them? The one time I can have more than one man and not be judged, and I still can’t?

She mentally scolded herself, Jai Yuna is such an idiot. Meanwhile, Jai Mei shifted restlessly under the cover, lost in thought.

The guys, including Shu Wang, watched her squirm under the covers and couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

"Wife, are you going to come out?" Shu Wang called out gently.

"No, I’ve done enough being a klutz and throwing a tantrum. I just want to hide now," she responded, her voice muffled by the covers.

She was also hiding because those memories—the noises she made, the way her breath had quickened—kept replaying in her head. Kyaaaaa, why was I making those noises and breathing like that? Why was I so willing to give in like that? Did my nipples actually grow hard and I got a little wet?! How lonely am I? As she silently cries to herself.

She repeated another mantra to herself: Just stay strong and level-headed; this will pass!

The guys climbed off the bed, each picking up the supplies Jai Mei had given them, allowing her some space. As they moved, warm smiles lingered on their faces, a silent testament to the fleeting moment they had shared.

However, when their eyes met, the memories of their accidental closeness cast a brief, awkward shadow between them.

They murmured their thanks to Jai Mei and exited, heading off to freshen up and prepare for bed, their minds adrift with swirling thoughts.

Each husband was lost in his own reverie, stepping into the newly installed shower rooms Jai Mei had cleverly designed by expanding the medicine room.

The setup included four separate shower doors and a tub at the end for those preferring a bath.

As they scooped water and let the scents of the soap envelop them, they were completely absorbed, oblivious to each other.

For the guys the soothing sounds and fragrances only deepened their contemplation.

For Hao Zhang, Liu Feng, and Chun Wei, A realization of attraction towards Jai Mei, which had long simmered just beneath the surface, now demanded their full attention.

This feeling, evolving beyond a simple acknowledgment, wove itself into something stronger and more perplexing. What was this burgeoning emotion that seemed to extend far beyond mere attraction?"

Her beauty had always been undeniable, yet it was her personality that had dominated their perceptions. The transformed Jai Mei—renewed in demeanor and spirit—now held a far more profound impact.

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