Chapter Nine: Jai Mei's Apprenticeship Starts!

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Today was a significant day for her as it marked her first day of work with Doctor Liang Bo. Her aim was to work with him closely to gain experience and knowledge and eventually become a health professional.

After breakfast, she gathered her things and set off for the clinic. The journey was only a few miles, but it felt like an eternity to Jai Mei. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and her palms were sweaty.

When she arrived, she saw Doctor Liang Bo waiting for her outside. He was an older man, with a stern demeanor and eyes. Jai Mei bowed respectfully and introduced herself.

With an intense gaze, he addressed her, "Jai Yuna, follow me. We shall proceed inside for a discussion."

Jai Mei was nervous as she entered the home of Doctor Liang Bo. Today was her first day working with him, and she hoped to learn as much as she could to become a skilled healer for her family and community.

Once they were inside, Doctor Liang Bo broke the silence. "I thought you weren't coming," he said with a frown. "I was about to say good riddance. I will not waste my time teaching incompetent people."

Jai Mei felt her heart drop. She knew her past reputation preceded her, but she had hoped to start anew with this opportunity. "I understand, sir," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "But please give me a chance to prove myself. I will work hard and do my best."

Doctor Liang Bo studied her for a moment before nodding. "Very well," he said. "We'll start with the basics.

Doctor Liang Bo spoke plainly and asked about her family. She told him about Shu Wang's injury and Hao Zhang's scratches from the wolf attack, and how they were both recovering well thanks to the medicine he had given her.

Doctor Liang Bo then inquired about her own health, remembering how she had fallen into the lake a a month ago. "May I check your pulse and see how you are doing?" he asked.

Jai Mei nodded, feeling a bit embarrassed. Doctor Liang Bo checked her pulse and examined her closely.

"You're doing good," he said.
Jai Mei smiled back, feeling relieved. "Yes, the teas have been helping me a lot. Thank you for your guidance and advice."

Doctor Liang Bo welcomed Jai Mei into his clinic and began to show her around. "This is where I treat the patients," he said, leading her into a room filled with beds and curtains to separate the patients' areas. "And over here is where I live." He gestured towards a doorway that led to the other side.

Jai Mei followed him as he explained the different herbs and medicines he used to treat his patients. "These herbs can be used to make tea, pills, or liquid medicine," he said as he handed her a book. "Study each chapter carefully and at the end of two weeks we will go over it and I'll make a concoction for you to replicate."

Excited to learn, Jai Mei flipped through the book and saw the intricate diagrams and detailed explanations of the different herbs and plants. "Thank you, Doctor Liang Bo," she said, feeling grateful for the opportunity to learn from him.

He then showed her a room with various equipment for diagnosing illnesses, wounds, and scars. "Each patient is different and requires a unique diagnosis and treatment plan," he said as he demonstrated the use of each piece of equipment.

Jai Mei listened intently, taking mental notes and asking questions when needed. "And eventually, you'll be able to assist me with surgeries," he said, gesturing towards a back room filled with all kinds of medicinal herbs, creams, and concoctions.

Overwhelmed with excitement, Jai Mei asked, "When can I start integrating with patients and learning acupuncture?"

"Once you have a good grasp on the herbs and their uses, I'll allow you to start working with patients," he replied. "Acupuncture will come later when you have a deeper understanding of human anatomy. For now you will do as I instruct you throughout the day."

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