Fifty Four: Doctor Liang Bo III

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Doctor Liang Bo, his hands steady and practiced, began to rebutton Jai Mei's shirt, a task mundane in its nature but laden with a quiet intimacy in the moment.

As he worked, the conversation between them continued to unfold, each word weaving a deeper understanding, a shared connection that was both unexpected and profound.

"Does that answer your questions, Yuna?"

"Yes," Jai Mei responded to his previous explanation, her curiosity not quite sated.

"But surely you've had suitors. How could you not?" she inquired, genuinely perplexed by the thought of someone like Doctor Liang Bo, with his blend of stern professionalism and underlying kindness, being alone.

"Hmm," he hummed thoughtfully, his fingers momentarily pausing in their task. With a gentle motion, he brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear, their eyes meeting in a moment that felt suspended in time.

"None of them interested me," he admitted, his voice carrying a depth that hinted at a life contentedly lived, yet not devoid of contemplation.

The question lingered in the air, almost tangible between them. "Are you not lonely?" Jai Mei asked, her voice soft, probing the solitude that he seemed to have embraced.

Doctor Liang Bo met her gaze with a quiet confidence, a smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"No, I am happy with my life. Besides, I have a headstrong apprentice who stresses me enough. That's all I need. It's more than enough," he said, his words carrying a warmth that belied the stern exterior he often presented.

Jai Mei's cheeks tinged with color, a soft blush spreading at his words. "I guess that's me, huh?" she said, a mix of embarrassment and amusement in her tone as she pointed her fingers together, a gesture of bashfulness.

He chuckled, the sound rich and genuine. "The one and only," he affirmed, his eyes sparkling with a mix of affection and mirth.

Gently, he helped her down from the table, their shared laughter a testament to the unique bond they had formed – a bond marked by care, understanding, and a companionship that transcended the conventional, weaving its own unique narrative in the tapestry of their lives.

As the day unfolded, the warmth of shared games of Go and Mahjong, coupled with tea and snacks, filled Doctor Liang Bo's home with a sense of unity and comfort.

The gentle clack of tiles and the strategic placement of stones on the Go board created a harmonious backdrop to their time together.

Eventually, the day's activities took their toll on Jai Mei, and she dozed off in her chair. Doctor Liang Bo, ever the considerate host, carefully lifted her and laid her down in the bed, ensuring she was comfortable and warm.

Concerned for her well-being and aware of her husbands' likely worry, Doctor Liang Bo ventured out into the cold to inform them of her whereabouts.

As fate would have it, halfway to Jai Mei's home, he encountered her anxious husbands.

Shu Wang, the voice of the group, stepped forward with a question etched in concern, "Have you seen our wife? She was supposed to be back a while ago, but she hasn't. We've come out to look for her."

Doctor Liang Bo met their gazes, a calm assurance in his demeanor.

"Oh yes, she ended up coming to my place," he explained. "I was on my way to offer her some medical supplies and assistance. We happened to run into each other, and given the cold, she came back to my place to warm up and show me her puppies.

She's currently asleep, and I didn't want to disturb her rest or expose her to the cold again, so I thought it best to come and inform you myself. It might be better to let her stay the night and come get her tomorrow."

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