Fifty Two: Doctor Liang Bo I

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As Jai Mei frolicked with her dogs in the snow, her laughter masked an undercurrent of apprehension.

The crisp, chilly air bit at her skin, yet the cold was a welcome distraction from the turmoil of emotions swirling within her.

Each snowball thrown, each joyful bark from her dogs, was a momentary escape from the reality that awaited her back at home – the husbands' reactions to her heartfelt letters.

Despite her dislike for the cold, the thought of facing her husbands and their possible responses to her confessions kept her outdoors, enduring the biting chill.

Her fingers, chin, and toes succumbed to the numbness of the freezing weather, yet her resolve to avoid confronting the potential fallout from her letters kept her from seeking the warmth and comfort of her home.

Lost in her thoughts and the playful antics with her dogs, Jai Mei didn't notice the approach of Doctor Liang Bo until their paths crossed.

Their eyes met, a silent exchange of unspoken words and emotions, a longing that was evident to any observer

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Their eyes met, a silent exchange of unspoken words and emotions, a longing that was evident to any observer.

His concern for her well-being broke through her reverie, reminding her of the compassion and care that still existed in her world.

"Jai Yuna, just the person I wanted to see," Doctor Liang Bo's voice cut through the cold, bringing a sense of warmth.

"I was on my way to check up on you, to offer any help you might need with medical supplies or preparations. It's surprising to see you out in such weather. You've been out here for quite some time, haven't you? Your nose and chin are quite red from the cold."

His offer of medical supplies, his willingness to assist with oils, balms, or cough drops, was a gentle reminder of the support system she still had.

Doctor Liang Bo's presence, his concern, offered a moment of respite, a reminder that she was not alone in her journey.

Yet, the cold that enveloped her was more than just the winter chill – it was the coldness of uncertainty, the fear of what awaited her upon her return, and the dread and excitement of facing the consequences of baring her soul through her letters.

Jai Mei greeted Doctor Liang Bo with genuine warmth, her relief evident in the smile that graced her face.

"It's such a pleasure to see you, my mentor. I've missed you," she exclaimed, her voice carrying a mix of joy and relief.

"Thank you for thinking of me. I was actually about to seek refuge in the hut by the forest because I'm not quite ready to face my husbands.

I've taken a significant step, something positive yet daunting, and I just don't have the courage to face them yet."

Doctor Liang Bo's concern was immediate. "Are you out of your mind, Yuna? Heading to that hut in the forest in this weather is dangerous!

The snow is deep, and it's far too cold. You could get hurt," he admonished, his tone a mix of worry and exasperation.

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