Chapter Sixty Five: Shu Wang's Olive Branch IV

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Jai Mei woke up later than expected, feeling completely rested. Next to her, Shu Wang began to stir, missing her presence in his arms.

"Wife?" he murmured groggily, reaching out for her on the bed.

"I'm here, Wang," Jai Mei giggled, amused by his sleepy confusion.

He sat up and smiled warmly. "Good morning, Yuna."

"I think it's afternoon now," Jai Mei teased.

Realizing the time, Shu Wang jumped out of bed. "Oh my, Yuna let me get things together." Before she could respond, he had hurried out the door.

Xiao Hei and her pups, now noticeably bigger, barged in seeking affection, which Jai Mei happily provided. Rubbing their ears and kissing their snoots. After a few moments of cuddles, they jumped off the bed, and Shu returned, letting them outside.

The cool air from the door made Jai Mei shiver; her arms and neck were bare, clad only in her spaghetti strap nightgown.

Noticing her shiver, Shu closed the door and approached with a tray in hand. After setting the tray down, he slid back into bed behind her, wrapping her in the covers.

He then picked up a cloth, dipped it in a bowl of warm water, and gently cleaned their faces while tea steeped beside them.

Jai Mei relaxed into the comfort, enjoying the pampering. Shu carefully examined and adjusted her bandage, which was nearly healed and would soon be removed.

Content in his arms, Jai Mei savored the moment as they used aromatic twigs and herbal paste to clean their teeth, maintaining their ritual of cleanliness.

After ensuring she was comfortable and clean, he handed her the unfinished letters from the day before.

"You didn't finish these," he reminded her softly, encouraging her to continue exploring their contents.

Jai Mei and Shu Wang (In Her Bedroom)

Jai Mei and Shu Wang sat in her bedroom, nestled together with him supporting her from behind as she began to read the letters. One was filled with anticipation, the other with a deep longing for clarity and unity.

As Jai Mei took the letters, her features softened with gratitude for his thoughtful gestures. "Thank you, Wang," she murmured warmly, carefully opening the envelope.

Shu Wang watched her with a tender smile, his presence a comforting backdrop. He poured her a cup of tea, the steam curling up between them, adding a serene layer to their intimate setting.

"I hope you find them enlightening," he whispered, adjusting his hold to ensure her utmost comfort.

Jai Mei sipped the tea, the warmth spreading soothingly through her body. She glanced back at Shu, noting the attentive care he exhibited, a poignant reminder of the loneliness and neglect he had endured.

This realization deepened her appreciation for his enduring kindness and resilience.

She unfolded the letters, each word laden with the weight of Shu Wang's experiences, his hopes, and his fears. It wasn't just a revelation of his soul but a bridge he was building between them, crafted with honesty and vulnerability.

Contents of the letter:

That night, as I prepared to leave quietly, I meticulously arranged everything I could to ensure their comfort after my departure. I left behind the modest sum of money I had saved, cleaned the house, tended the garden, and repaired the clothes—my final acts of service.

As I stepped outside, my father approached me under the guise of a farewell. His eyes, which I had failed to read correctly in my turmoil, betrayed his true intentions.

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