Chapter Thirty Four: Jai Mei's Husbands POV Of Their Newly Renovated Home

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Hao Zhang stood in the doorway, his eyes widening in astonishment as he took in the sight of their newly renovated house. The transformation was astounding, and a surge of gratitude welled up within him. The dilapidated walls had been replaced with fresh paint, and the air carried the scent of new beginnings.

Walking towards the bedroom he shared with Liu Feng, Hao Zhang's heart skipped a beat. The room that once held memories of tension and resentment had been completely transformed.

The bed was now two separate ones, adorned with plush pillows and soft covers. The colors, a mix of navy blue and dark purples, evoked a sense of tranquility that he had never experienced before. At the foot of each bed, there were chests, a symbol of the security and belonging they now possessed.

But amidst the awe and appreciation, a wave of guilt washed over Hao Zhang. The weight of his past actions and words bore down on him, threatening to suffocate him. He couldn't escape the knowledge that he had been the one to lash out at Jai Mei, to start the plot to leave her and take their shared assets. How could he have been so blind? How could he have treated her with such cruelty?

The room, once filled with tension, now seemed to reflect the changes within Hao Zhang himself. It was a mirror that forced him to confront his own flaws and the hurt he had caused. The transformation of the house paled in comparison to the transformation he needed to undergo within his own heart.

As he stood in the bedroom, a mix of conflicting emotions churned within him. Gratitude for Jai Mei's efforts mingled with shame for his past actions. The realization of his own mistakes weighed heavily on his conscience, and he vowed silently to make amends.

Gently touching the soft covers of his new bed, Hao Zhang whispered a silent apology to the walls. He knew that words alone could not undo the pain he had caused, but he was determined to change, and to show Jai Mei the respect she earned.

Stepping into the renovated house, Liu Feng's eyes widened in disbelief. The once tired and worn-out rooms now sparkled with new life and vibrancy. The crackling fireplace filled the air with warmth, welcoming him into a space that felt entirely different from before.

The walls stood strong and sturdy, a testament to the labor that had gone into rebuilding their home.

As Liu Feng entered his bedroom, he was immediately struck by the boldness of the colors that surrounded him. The mix of vibrant reds and oranges enveloped the space, creating an atmosphere of energy and warmth. The sight of two separate beds, adorned with comfortable bedding, filled him with a mixture of emotions.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and appreciation for Jai Mei's efforts to create a space that reflected his preferences and provided a sense of comfort.

Yet, amidst the joy and gratitude, a surge of guilt washed over Liu Feng. He couldn't shake the weight of his initial doubts and suspicions, which now seemed so misplaced in the face of Jai Mei's unwavering dedication to their home. How could he have doubted her intentions and conspired against her? The realization of his own wrongdoing stung deeply, and he was filled with remorse for the pain he had caused.

In that moment, Liu Feng made a silent promise to himself. He vowed to be more supportive, understanding, and attentive to Jai Mei's needs. He knew he had to make amends for his lack of trust and to be a better partner to her. The transformation of their home served as a reminder of the transformation he needed to undergo within himself.

Running his fingers over the soft bedding, Liu Feng found solace in the colors that surrounded him. It was a symbol of the fresh start that lay ahead, a chance to mend the fractures in their relationship and build a stronger foundation of trust.

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