Chapter Three: Jai Yuna's Plans to Make Money for Her Family

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Jai Mei took a seat beside her husbands and started discussing, "There is a lot to consider now. We have to devise a strategy to earn money for our family. The main concern is how much we need. We require a minimum of three catties of meat, vegetables, and grains, two sets of clothing, beds, advanced embroidery classes, and house repairs."

While Jai Mei was computing the expenses in her head, Liu Feng interjected, "Just to clarify, we will need 3 catties each of grains, vegetables, and meat. Moreover, we need to purchase building materials for the house repairs, which will cost us 10 taels. We also need to hire 3 workers for 14 days at a daily rate of 15 copper coins each. Including the other expenses such as clothing, embroidery classes, and plusher beds, we will require approximately 61 taels."

As Liu Feng finished his calculation, Jai Mei corrected him and said, "Actually, it would be around 56.5 or 57 taels of silver." Liu Feng blushed, feeling embarrassed for his mistake.

In total, these expenses would amount to 42 taels of silver. With the additional cost of hiring 3 workers for 14 days at a daily rate of 15 copper coins each, it would add up to around 56.5 or 57 taels of silver.

Jai Mei suggested, "That amount is equivalent to one or two years' worth of wages, and we don't have that much time. We need to think creatively and come up with a plan to earn this amount of money before winter arrives."

Jai Yuna had been disowned by her prestigious family for a year and a half before she got married to her four husbands.

Being only 15 years old and on her own for that time, it was a difficult and trying period in her life.

Fast forward to the present, it is currently close to the end of March and Jai Mei has transmigrated into Jai Yuna's body. With only a few months left before winter, Jai Mei knew they had to work quickly to earn the money needed to fix their houses and get proper clothing.

The fact that Jai Yuna had already been on her own for over a year and had incurred so much debt at 18 years old made the situation even more challenging.

But Jai Mei was determined to make things right and was willing to work hard to earn the trust and forgiveness of her husbands and the villagers.

All of Jai Yuna's husbands came from poor families and had been sold off for various reasons. The husbands and Jai Yuna had been setup and ended up awakening in a hut in an inappropriate manner. To avoid ruining their reputations further, they had to get married.

Jai Mei asked her husbands, "How much do we have now?" However, she realized that she used to take their hard-earned money and spend it recklessly without contributing anything.

The husbands tensed up, remembering the abuse they had suffered. Jai Mei noticed their discomfort and asked what was wrong. Then she remembered that the original owner of her body, Jai Yuna, was not good to them.

Jai Mei sighed deeply, feeling ashamed and regretful for Jai Yuna's past actions towards her husbands. She knew that her relationship with them had been difficult, and she had often treated them poorly and wasted their hard-earned money.

However, she also knew that she couldn't reveal her true identity as Jai Mei, who had transmigrated into her body.

Feeling the discomfort of her husbands, Jai Mei understood that she needed to be cautious with her empathy and words until they accepted that she had changed. She steeled herself, putting on a cold façade and spoke harshly, blaming her husbands for their poor living conditions.

"Don't look at me like that! If you lazy good-for-nothing husbands had worked harder and earned more, we wouldn't be living in this dilapidated house with only two barren acres, a clogged well, and no farm animals! I wouldn't have to rack my brain to find ways for us to survive in this family!" She said, trying to hide her guilt.

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