Chapter Thirty Seven: Preparing for Winter

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The morning arrived, and everyone in the house slowly stirred awake. Jai Mei and Wei Xiaoli found themselves in Jai Mei's room, their husbands shared their respective rooms, and Doctor Liang Bo in the medical room on patient bed. They freshened up and prepared for the day ahead.

Jai Mei and Wei Xiaoli made their way to the kitchen, the aroma of breakfast filling the air. They worked together, effortlessly moving around each other, preparing a hearty meal for everyone.

As breakfast was being served, Wei Xiaoli and her husbands began gathering their belongings, preparing to leave.

Jai Mei stopped Wei Xiaoli before she could head out the door, a small pouch clutched in her hand.

"Wait, before you go, I want to give you something." (She takes out a small bag containing 10 taels of silver and hands it to Wei Xiaoli.)

Wei Xiaoli refuses "Yuna, this isn't necessary. You've helped us tremendously, taking care of my husbands and assisting with our house when we had the influenza. You don't owe me anything."

Jai Mei shook her head and smiled "It's not just about that. I've borrowed money from you in the past and never had a chance to repay. Please, accept it as a token of my gratitude and as repayment for my debt." She then pulled her into a warm embrace, pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Wei Xiaoli left feeling touched and appreciated, carrying the warmth of their friendship in her heart.

Jai Mei then made her way to the back room which was her medicine/study room to find Doctor Liang Bo.

He was gathering his belongings, preparing to depart. Jai Mei entered the room with a small, handcrafted medicine box in her hands.

She approaches him, holding a beautifully handcrafted medicine box. The box is adorned with intricate designs and traditional symbols of health, longevity, and prosperity.

On it, Doctor Liang Bo's name is engraved, along with a message from Jai Mei.  From your hard headed idiot- Jai Yuna.

"Bo, I had this made for you. It's a small gesture, but I hope it conveys my deep gratitude for your guidance and care."

She handed him the medicine box, and he took it, his eyes widening in surprise. He ran his fingers gently across the craftsmanship, his gaze filled with admiration.

"Yuna, I... I don't know what to say. It's been so long since I received a gift. This is truly beautiful."

Jai Mei smiled warmly at him, her eyes sparkling with sincerity.

"It's my way of saying thank you, my only mentor. The box is filled with most of your basic and common herbs, along with a few rare ones to replenish the ones you've used recently."

He runs his fingers across the surface of the box, appreciating the craftsmanship and the sentiment behind the gift. His eyes meet Jai Mei's, his expression softened, touched by her thoughtful gesture. He raised his hand, gently patting her head and moving a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Thank you, Yuna, my hard-headed, but brilliant protégée. You've grown so much, and it fills me with pride. It has been an honor to guide you."

Jai Mei beamed with gratitude, cherishing his words.

"Thank you for everything, for taking care of me and for being my only mentor. Your teachings have shaped me in more ways than you know."

As they share this moment of appreciation and acknowledgment, the bond between Jai Mei and Doctor Liang Bo deepens. The gift serves as a symbol of their connection, and the herbs within the box replenish the ones Doctor Liang Bo had recently used, ensuring he has the resources he needs to continue his healing work.

Their exchange is one of mutual respect and gratitude, signifying the growth of their relationship from mentor and student to something more profound.

As they stand in the room, the atmosphere is filled with a sense of shared purpose and the promise of a bright future ahead.

As the winter approached, Jai Mei gathered her husbands, Shu Wang, Chun Wei, Liu Feng, and Hao Zhang, to discuss the preparations needed for the snowed-in months ahead. They gathered in the main room, sitting around a wooden table adorned with maps and lists of tasks.

"Winter will soon be upon us, and we must be well-prepared. Shu Wang, I trust you to lead in making winter clothes for all of us. We'll need warm coats, hats, and sturdy boots."

Shu Wang: "I'll make sure everyone has the proper clothing to keep them warm and protect from the cold."

Chun Wei: "I'll take care of the animal husbandry and ensure our livestock is properly sheltered and fed. We'll need their meat during the winter."

Liu Feng: "I'll handle selling any remaining produce and acquiring necessary items for the winter. I'll make sure we have enough supplies to sustain us through the snowed-in months."

Hao Zhang: "I'll cut and gather firewood and from the surrounding area to keep our home warm. But before that, I'll be helping the villagers with their preparations. We should earn some wages before we're snowed in."

Jai Mei nodded, acknowledging their tasks. She understood her limited abilities due to her injury, but she was determined to contribute in her own way.

"While you're all busy with these tasks, I'll focus on preserving and fermenting our food. I'll make sure we have a variety of preserved meats, pickled vegetables, and fermented sauces to sustain us through the winter."

Shu Wang: "Don't overexert yourself, Wife. Your health is the most important thing right now."

Jai Mei smiled gratefully at Shu Wang's concern.

Jai Mei: "I'll be careful, Shu Wang. Doctor Liang Bo mentioned it will take about a month for me to heal properly. In the meantime, I can also make medicine and remedies to keep us healthy during the winter. Cough syrup, body balm, and lip balm will be essential."

Liu Feng: "We appreciate all that you do, Jai Yuna. Take care of yourself and don't hesitate to ask for help."

Jai Mei nodded, appreciating their support and understanding. They were a team, each contributing their skills to ensure their well-being in the winter months.

Hao Zhang stood up, ready to head out to assist the villagers. "I'll be gone for a while, helping the villagers and earning some wages before the snowfall. But I'll be back to lend a hand here too."

Jai Mei nodded, knowing that their collaboration and unity would see them through the challenges of winter.

Jai Mei: "Thank you, everyone. Let's work together and make sure we're well-prepared for the snowed-in months. Our unity and support will carry us through."

With determined nods and a sense of shared purpose, they dispersed to their assigned tasks, ready to face the winter head-on.

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