Fifty Eight: Liu Feng's Olive Branch II

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As the husbands attended to their various duties around the house and the snow-covered land, ensuring that everything was in order and the animals were taken care of, Jai Mei took the opportunity to focus on Liu Feng's well-being.

With the calming incense prepared earlier, she entered the room shared by Hao Zhang and Liu Feng, intent on creating a serene environment that might offer Liu Feng a reprieve from his night terrors.

She carefully placed and lit the incense, allowing the soothing scents to permeate the room, filling it with the gentle, calming aromas of lavender and chamomile.

With the ambiance set, Jai Mei took a moment to sit by Liu Feng's bed, observing him as he slept.

His expression was peaceful, unmarred by the distress that often visited him in his sleep. In this tranquil state, it was hard to imagine the struggles he faced almost nightly.

The sight of him, so serene and undisturbed, stirred a deep sense of hope in Jai Mei. It was a poignant reminder of the potential impact of their efforts and the importance of persisting in their attempts to ease his troubles.

As she watched over him, Jai Mei made a silent vow to continue seeking ways to provide comfort not only to Liu Feng but to all of her husbands, reinforcing her commitment to their collective happiness and well-being.

In that tranquil moment, Jai Mei was captivated by Liu Feng's serene expression, his features softened in sleep, making his innocence and vulnerability all the more apparent.

The freckles that dotted his face, often overlooked during their day-to-day interactions, now seemed to her like small, intricate details that added to his charm.

Unable to resist, she gently traced each one with her finger, marveling at the quiet beauty before her.

She found herself wishing fervently that she could erase the shadow of night terrors that loomed over him, wishing she could replace it with the peace he found in sleep now.

With one hand, she continued to trace his features lightly, and with the other, she held his hand, seeking to offer comfort even in his unconscious state.

The soothing scent of the incense seemed to weave its magic around her as well, lulling her into a state of calm and reflection.

So lost was she in the moment that she didn't notice the passage of time, nor did she see Hao Zhang enter until he quietly placed Liu Feng's letter in front of her.

Startled back to the present, Jai Mei turned her attention to the letter.

She picked it up, her fingers brushing against the papers, feeling the weight of Liu Feng's words even before she began to read.

As she unfolded the letters, she prepared herself to absorb the thoughts and feelings he had entrusted to her, ready to understand him more deeply and to continue building the bridge of understanding and care that had started to form among them.

Jai Mei (In Liu Feng's Room)

Jai Mei, seated beside Liu Feng's bed, tenderly smoothed back his hair as he slept soundly, her attention captured by the letter in her hands.

The room, filled with the calming scent of incense, provided a serene backdrop as she began to navigate through the emotions and words Liu Feng had committed to paper, her heart fluttering with anticipation and a hint of nervousness.


Dear Jai Yuna,

Can I trust you? I am so confused.

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