Chapter Eighteen Jai Family Finally Flourishing I

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They woke up early that morning, prepared breakfast, and freshened up before getting ready to work for the day.

"Hao Zhang, let's start prepping and preparing the boar. Chun Wei, I need you to tend to the farm and animals with Shu Wang.

We are keeping two chickens to breed, and the other three we will sell. Also,  the eggs, and herbs. I will then go into town with Liu Feng when I go to sell the skins, fur, and bones to the craftsmen and the whole boar in town.

After that, join Hao Zhang with selling the rest of the meat to the villagers," Jai Mei instructed her husbands.

"Yes, Wife," said Shu Wang.

"Yes, Jai Yuna. I understood," said Chun Wei.

Jai Mei then stood outside with Hao Zhang, watching as some of her neighbor villagers began to gather around them, their eyes fixed on the boar and chickens. She smiled and greeted them warmly, happy to see the interest in their catch.

"Liu Feng, can you go tell the rest of the villagers that we're selling the pork for 9 copper coins a cattie instead of 15 copper coins like in town? We want to make sure they know they can get good quality meat at a fair price," Jai Mei instructed Liu Feng.

Liu Feng nodded and quickly ran off to spread the word. Meanwhile, Hao Zhang began teaching Jai Mei how to gut and clean the boar, showing her how to remove the animal lard and set it aside for her soap making process. Jai Mei watched intently, eager to learn everything she could.

"Don't forget to save the bones and skins for the craftsmen in town," Jai Mei reminded Hao Zhang.

Hao Zhang nodded in agreement and continued to clean the boar. He carefully removed the bones and set them aside, while Jai Mei gathered the skin and placed it in a bag.

As they worked, more villagers started to arrive, curious about the commotion. Liu Feng had done a good job spreading the word, and people were eager to buy some of the pork.

Jai Mei smiled and welcomed the villagers, "Hello! We have some freshly caught boar for sale, 9 copper coins a cattie, and some delicious chickens as well."

The villagers were excited at the prospect of getting meat that was both fresh and affordable and started lining up to make their purchases.

One villager exclaimed, "Wow, fresh boar meat! I haven't had that in years. This is such a treat!"

Another said, "Jai Yuna, you really outdid yourself this time. That must have been a tough catch. I wish I had your hunting skills."

A few others looked on with envy, muttering under their breath about how they wished they could have been the ones to catch such a prized animal.

One villager muttered under their breath, "Who does she think she is? Getting all the glory for herself. It's not fair."

But Jai Mei just smiled and remained friendly, knowing that not everyone would be happy for her success.

As the line grew longer, Jai Mei, Hao Zhang and Liu Feng worked quickly to weigh out portions of meat for each customer. The villagers were grateful for the opportunity to buy fresh meat at a fair price, and Jai Mei was happy to provide for her community.

As that was happening, Chun Wei and Shu Wang returned from doing the farm duties and passed Jai Mei the basket. She put the bones, skins, and fur in it as well.

She then turned to Liu Feng and said, "Let's go." He nodded and grabbed the basket away from her. Her other husbands went to help sell the rest of the meat from the boar to the villagers.

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